Marc Wadsworth Tour Begins Next Tuesday

Late last month Marc Wadsworth, the long-time Black anti-racist activist was expelled for having criticised Ruth Smeeth, the right-wing Labour MP at the Chakrabarti press conference.  Despite not even knowing that she was Jewish, Marc was held to have engaged in one of these ‘anti-semitic Tropes’.  Having mentioned some who was Jewish in the same…

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Jewdas or Judas? – Who’s Betraying Whom?

Keeping it in the family – Jewdas Rebellion Doesn’t Extend to Palestine or ‘Anti-semitism’ To Jonathan Arkush of the Board of Deputies (or Bored of Deputies) Jewdas are a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’. Arkush and his fellow Zionists cannot be considered politically as of sound mind if they really believe this.  Zionism does terrible things…

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Jeremy Corbyn throws Marc Wadsworth overboard in a desperate attempt to save his leadership

Sacrificing a Black anti-racist for criticising White Zionist MP Ruth Smeeth will INCREASE anti-Semitism & STRENGTHEN the anti-Corbyn Right Watching the uncritical acceptance by Corbyn’s office of the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth is like watching someone slowly committing suicide oblivious to all offers of help.  The inability of Corbyn to confront the pro-Israel lobby, which…

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