WHAT IS ZIONISM? Is it a National Liberation Movement or an Ideology & Movement of Jewish Supremacism & Settler Colonialism?

Is Zionism a Manifestation of Jewish Identity and if so What Does That Say About Being Jewish Today? This is Zionism – Destroying Palestinian Water Wells with Concrete and making them Water Poor Introduction Everyone knew that Apartheid in South Africa was a system of racial domination by the White minority over the Black population. Likewise…

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If the Government’s Anti-Boycott Bill Had Been Law in 1933 the Jewish Boycott of Nazi Germany Would Have Been Illegal

This Law Has One Purpose – To Protect Israeli War Crimes – This is why Starmer & Labour’s Cowardly MPs Support It When justifying the Government’s Anti-Boycott Bill, Michael Gove stated that BDS leads to “appalling antisemitic rhetoric and abuse.” Not one iota of evidence was tendered in support of this lie nor could there be. It simply doesn’t exist. Gove is…

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‘Zionism During the Holocaust’ – 6 Months After Release – You Can Now Order it for £10 (paperback) or £15 (hardback) email [email protected]

Despite Libelling Ken Loach over Perdition – the Zionists Do Not Want to Discuss their Record During the Holocaust or their Relations with the Nazis because it is ‘anti-Semitic’ Channel 4 Debate on Perdition Given my recent conviction in a trial of Palestine Action activists and the possibility of being imprisoned I wish to sell my remaining copies of Zionism…

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Why Ken Livingstone was right when he said that the Nazis supported the German Zionists against their Jewish opponents

At the Book Launch for Zionism During the Holocaust I described how the Zionist Leaders Obstructed the Rescue of Jews from Hitler where Palestine wasn’t the destination Below is an extended essay based on my talk. Zionism During the Holocaust is the first comprehensive book on Zionist relations with the Nazis innearly 40 years. This is surprising at…

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My Book ‘Zionism During the Holocaust’ is Being Released This Week

 Jewish Network for Palestine  is hosting the Book Launch Sunday 13 November 5 pm Please share with your networks and register here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7N3bCglHRJ-kYwCW3QKtUw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. It has been a long time coming but my book Zionism During the Holocaust – The Weaponisation of Memory in the…

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Why does the ‘only democratic state in the Middle East’ (Israel) sends Defence Ministry Agents to Archives in order to brow-beat them into hiding historical documents?

For nearly 20 years Israeli Arabs lived under military rule – not because they were a Fifth Column but to prevent them returning to the land that had stolen been from them Israel is a state that has been built on myths – whether it is that ‘god’ gave the settlers the land of the…

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