What Kind of State Demolishes Schools? Israel

School Could Be Out Forever for These Bedouin Kids in the West Bank The Zionists International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ says that ‘criticism of Israel similar to that levelled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic’ with the clear implication that other criticism is anti-Semitic.  The problem is of course that…

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A Triumph for the Campaign to end Sodastream

Mishor Adumum hwere Sodastream is based Zionist collaborators and Christian Fundamentalists hold  hands Police have difficulty policing the demonsrations despite their obvious pro-Zionist bias The campaign against Sodastream in Brighton has stirred up both a national and international campaign against this company.  Based in West Bank near Maaleh Adumim it employs Palestinian slave labour Slave…

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