An Open Letter to Stephen Fry whose ‘Alternative’ Xmas Message on ‘Antisemitism’ Flew in the Face of Everything He Once Stood For

Fry’s Message Was an Embrace of the British Establishment’s Support for Genocide in Gaza under the Pretext of Opposition to Antisemitism Stephen Fry’s Xmas Message on Behalf of the British Establishment Dear Stephen, As you are all too aware, ‘anti-Semitism’ is the standard defence, the only defence, that Israel has for its genocide and sadism…

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Gary Smith and the Jewish Labour Movement Attack Free Speech in the GMB as former International Officer Bert Schouwenburg is Suspended for Proposing Severing Relations with the JLM

Whilst the GMB Claims to Support the Palestinians in practice it is a Supporter of Israeli Apartheid Bert Schouwenburg On January 26 the Walthamstow branch of the GMB unanimously passed a motion which stated that the decision to work with the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) runs contrary to GMB’s support for Palestine, has brought the union into…

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In July Lowkey was Cancelled from the TUC’s Tolpuddle Festival as a Result of False Allegations of Anti-Semitism by Gary Smith, General Secretary of the GMB

Smith Did the Israel Lobby’s Dirty Work Targeting a Black Opponent of Israeli Apartheid with a Series of Zionist Lies It was only in August that I wrote a blog Focus on the Corrupt GMB with an emphasis on General Secretary, Gary Smith. Smith is unfortunately in a long line of right-wing misogynists, racists and general reactionaries…

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My conversation with Ben Jamal of Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Zionism, Palestine Action and the Palestinian Authority

Having abandoned anti-Zionism, does PSC actually have any strategy other than Appeasing the Establishment and ‘Mainstreaming’? My interview on an independent Bristol radio station Ben Jamal, PSC and Zionism In the wake of my resignation from PSC, an organisation I helped found in 1982, Ben Jamal emailed me. His complaint was that I had misquoted…

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