General Election 2017 – 7 Weeks Ago this Blog was alone in predicting a hung parliament – Strong and Stable is no more!

As Labour defies all the pundits Brighton Kemptown is gained with a 10,000 majority The Pundits predicted the largest Tory majority since 1983 if not before.  Labour’s Right, the Zionists and Progress, did their best to distance themselves from Jeremy Corbyn.  7 weeks ago when the polls predicted a massive Tory majority I stood out and…

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The Lib-Tory Attack on the Disabled

After 4 Years the Lib-Dems are now Opposed to the Attacks  They Supported! Every time you hear Nick Clegg talk about how the Lib Dems restrained their Tory partners in the Coalition, just think of the attacks on the welfare state, the NHS reforms and above all the attack on claimants.  The story below, in…

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