Historically Anti-Semitism Has Always Been the Preserve of the Labour Right, not the Left

Labour’s Confected ‘Anti-Semitism’ Crisis Allowed Anti-Semites To Become Anti-racists & Anti-racists to become ‘anti-Semites’ One of the ironies of Labour’s manufactured ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis was how those who had never thought about racism before suddenly became anti-racists. ‘Anti-Semitism’ can sometimes work miracles. No one was more concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ than Gordon Brown. He called for the expulsion of all ‘anti-Semites’.…

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Is Rachel Reeves the Most Despicable Politician in Britain Today?

Reeves Combines Zionism, Racism, Admiration for a Hitler Loving Anti-Semite & Hostility to the Disabled & Claimants – a Bigot for All Seasons https://www.youtube.com/embed/BZ6EGz_7rB8 Sturmer pays tribute to Jeremy Corbyn Trying to find the most despicable politician in Britain today is no easy matter. The competition is strong. The Tories have no end of good…

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Kim Johnson MP called Israel an Apartheid Fascist State – When Threatened With Losing the Whip She Immediately Recanted

Johnson’s Cowardice When Confronted With Starmer’s McCarthyism Speaks Volumes About the Socialist Campaign Group and the Labour Left It was nothing if not predicable. A member of the Socialist Campaign Group collapsed like a pack of cards when threatened by Starmer’s bullies. Instead of standing her ground and defying Starmer to do his worst, instead…

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