No Tears, No Joy –Elizabeth Windsor Faithfully Served the Rich, the Powerful and the Privileged Throughout Her Reign – She was No Friend of the Working Class or Oppressed

The Death of A Monarch is the Ideal Opportunity To Be Rid of the Monarchy – No one is Born to Rule Over Us James Connolly on the occasion of George V’s visit to Ireland in 1910 The Monarchy is, by definition, a reactionary institution based on the hereditary principle not merit. It is there…

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Ha’aretz Compares Israel’s Policy of Expelling Black African Asylum Seekers to Eichmann’s Expulsion of the Jews of Vienna in 1938-9

According to the Zionists’ Fake (IHRA) Definition of Anti-Semitism this article in Ha’aretz is Anti-Semitic At the present time the Israeli government, with the full support of the Israeli Labour Party, is doing its best to physically expel all its estimated 40,000 Black African asylum seekers, most of whom are from Sudan and Eritrea.  B.Michael in…

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