JVP Dissociates Itself From Alison Weir

Why It is Unacceptable to Appear on a Platform with White Supremacists and anti-Semites Alison Weir On May 5th 2015 Jewish Voices for Peace wrote a letter to Alison Weir, of the organisation If Americans Knew,  informing her that JVP would not work with her on account of the fact that she has repeatedly appeared…

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A New Break for Freedom by the US’s Hillel

Hillel students increasingly reject the Zionist Thought Police in favour of Free Speech The attempt by national Hillel to keep Jewish students in the fold, i.e. Zionists are increasingly breaking down as Jewish students can see when an attempt is being made to censor them.  I recently posted an article on Swarthmore Hillel.  Here Zionist…

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