WHAT IS ZIONISM? Is it a National Liberation Movement or an Ideology & Movement of Jewish Supremacism & Settler Colonialism?

Is Zionism a Manifestation of Jewish Identity and if so What Does That Say About Being Jewish Today? This is Zionism – Destroying Palestinian Water Wells with Concrete and making them Water Poor Introduction Everyone knew that Apartheid in South Africa was a system of racial domination by the White minority over the Black population. Likewise…

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Book Review: Asa Winstanley’s Weaponising Anti-Semitism – How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn

How the Labour Right, the BBC, the Israel lobby & the Establishment Destabilised a Political Party How they brought down Jeremy Corbyn It speaks volumes that Asa Winstanley could not find a British publisher, not even Pluto Press or Verso Books, willing to publish the definitive account of how ‘anti-Semitism’ was weaponised to remove the only socialist leader the…

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After two years waiting I shall be on trial for the ‘crime’ of trying to prevent Elbit System’s continuing commission of war crimes

GMB 3 Pickets Acquitted in Brighton Magistrates Court What is the Meaning of the Massive Opposition in Israel to Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform Plans? John Ware Accuses Me of Being Disagreeable! Those of you with long memories may recall that in the early hours of Tuesday 9 March I was arrested with 5 supporters of Palestine Action whilst…

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The Media Blackout on Al Jazeera’s Labour Files Says Everything About Britain’s ‘free press’

The Labour Files is Janus Faced – its revelations about Starmer’s Police State of a Party contradict the lie that Labour had an anti-Semitism problem The Labour Files – Part 1:The Purge The Labour Files – Part 2: The Crisis The Labour Files – Part 3: The Hierarchy The Labour Files – Part 4: The Spying Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db-Gpmfajp8y Introduction to the…

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Momentum’s Refusal to Support Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi for Labour’s NEC was Not About Trans-rights but Zionism & Palestinian Rights

 If the Labour Left is to have any future it must first strangle Lansman’s Bastard Offspring If there is one group, above all others, which bears responsibility for the defeat of the Corbyn project it is Momentum.  As the Al Jazeera programme, The Labour Files Parts 1, 2 and 3, make clear the ‘anti-Semitism crisis’ in the Labour Party was entirely bogus,…

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