Open Letter to John Alcock, Leader of Brighton & Hove Labour Group – The Stench of Hypocrisy Over Labour Islamaphobia is Overpowering

Brighton’s ‘Left’ Labour Councillors Endorse the Purge of Socialists by accepting False Anti-Semitism Allegations against 3 former Councillors In May 2019 Labour became the largest party on Brighton & Hove Council. It gained 20 seats to the Green’s 19 and ran the Council. The response of the right was to make false allegations of anti-Semitism resulting…

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Open Letter to Sharon Graham – How does support for the Palestinians square with working with the Israeli-state funded Campaign Against Anti-Semitism?

 Why have your officials lied and lied about the banning of ‘Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie’?  Who has given you the right to decide what Unite members can or cannot see? Dear Sharon Graham, Correspondence with Unite officials reminds me of David Low’s cartoons which depicted the TUC as a carthorse. Slow-witted, disingenuous, impervious to reason…

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WHAT IS ZIONISM? Is it a National Liberation Movement or an Ideology & Movement of Jewish Supremacism & Settler Colonialism?

Is Zionism a Manifestation of Jewish Identity and if so What Does That Say About Being Jewish Today? This is Zionism – Destroying Palestinian Water Wells with Concrete and making them Water Poor Introduction Everyone knew that Apartheid in South Africa was a system of racial domination by the White minority over the Black population. Likewise…

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VICTORY – Brighton and Hove Trades Council Votes To Support the Palestinians and NOT to support SUTR’s March in London

The Real Question is Why Does Stand Up to Racism Refuse To Stand Up To Racism? On Wednesday Brighton and Hove Trades Council voted by 9-4 not to support the Stand Up to Racism march in London on March 18. This was because Scottish SUTR, since 2017, have allowed Glasgow Friends of Israel (GFI) and the Confederation of Friends…

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Kim Johnson MP called Israel an Apartheid Fascist State – When Threatened With Losing the Whip She Immediately Recanted

Johnson’s Cowardice When Confronted With Starmer’s McCarthyism Speaks Volumes About the Socialist Campaign Group and the Labour Left It was nothing if not predicable. A member of the Socialist Campaign Group collapsed like a pack of cards when threatened by Starmer’s bullies. Instead of standing her ground and defying Starmer to do his worst, instead…

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When the German State Bans Jewish anti-Zionists they are Following in the Footsteps of Their Nazi Predecessors

It is no coincidence that the most vehement opponent of BDS and Palestine solidarity among German political parties is the neo-Nazi Alternative for Germany On 19 May 2019 the Bundestag passed a motion declaring that Boycott Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] was anti-Semitic. You might therefore assume that Alternative for Germany, a neo-Nazi party that had 13% of the seats…

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My conversation with Ben Jamal of Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Zionism, Palestine Action and the Palestinian Authority

Having abandoned anti-Zionism, does PSC actually have any strategy other than Appeasing the Establishment and ‘Mainstreaming’? My interview on an independent Bristol radio station Ben Jamal, PSC and Zionism In the wake of my resignation from PSC, an organisation I helped found in 1982, Ben Jamal emailed me. His complaint was that I had misquoted…

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Open Letter to Nadhim Zahawi – Secretary of State for Hypocrisy & Education – on why he equates support for the Palestinians with ‘anti-Semitism’

Open Letter to Nadhim Zahawi – Secretary of State for Hypocrisy & Education – on why he equates support for the Palestinians with ‘anti-Semitism’  ‘Why is Ukraine’s Resistance to Occupation a Fight for Freedom whereas Palestinian Resistance to Occupation is ‘Terrorism’? It is remarkable that some of the most virulent racists in the government are…

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