Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies

 The Conversation Between 2 Hamas Members that Israel Posted are Fake & Digitally Manipulated – the Missile Came From the East not West Al Jazeera Investigation in Israel’s Bombing of the Al Ahli Hospital Was the Gaza hospital attack caused by a failed rocket launch? | Bird’s Eye View Channel 4 News tonight broadcast the first…

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When Nuremberg Came to Israel

In Israel – mixed marriages are a no-no You might, in your innocence, think that a book on an Arab-Jewish romance would be just the thing that would be welcomed as a way of breaking down barriers and enhancing understanding and tolerance between Palestinians and Israeli Jews.   However you would be very foolish to do…

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The ‘Only Democracy in the Middle East’ Steps Up Hate Campaign Against Breaking the Silence & Israeli Human Rights Organisations

As the Israeli state makes giant strides from a Jewish state to a Jewish Police State, so left-wing Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv.  There is no doubt that the Israeli left, the anti-war left, is extremely isolated today.  When the Israeli Labour Party/Zionist Union leader, Isaac Hertzog, asked Benjamin Netanyahu to condemn incitement and threats…

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