Instead of Supporting Chris Williamson John McDonnell Backs the Reinstatement of War Criminal Alistair Campbell

Instead of Supporting Chris Williamson John McDonnell Backs the Reinstatement of War Criminal Alistair Campbell It is time for the Labour Representation Committee to ditch McDonnell – he is fast becoming Labour’s new Ramsay MacDonald Despite the misreporting by the BBC and Guardian Chris Williamson won a clear victory at the High Court this week.…

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Open Letter to the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee

After the High Court Injunction Let’s hope you learn the meaning of ‘fairness’ and ‘natural justice’ Picture outside the High Court before a successful application for an Injunction to Sir Stephen Phillips Last week as readers of this blog will know I obtained a High Court injunction against Iain McNicol and the Labour Party preventing…

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VICTORY – High Court Injunction Granted Against Ian McNicol for Breach of Contract and Unfairness

McNicol’s Puppets waste £10,000 of Member’s Money – How Long is Momentum and Lansman going to remain silent? On November 2nd whilst recovering from surgery in hospital, I received an email from Jane Shaw, Secretary to Labour’s nominally independent National Constitutional Committee, which is still controlled by the Progress Right, informing me that I was…

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My Response to False Accusations of Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism? It’s Israel Stupid! This Thursday the High Court at the Strand will hear an application for an Injunction preventing Iain Nicol and his racist friends from going ahead with a meeting of Labour’s National Kangaroo Court (NCC) on December 11th.  As was shown last summer, when the Court of Appeal approved the removal of…

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Israel Passes the ‘Regularisation’ Law – its like having a law to compensate the burglar who enters your home

Pity the Poor, Distressed Zionist Land Thief Imagine a law in Britain which is specifically designed to legalise squatting on other peoples’ land.  Not only would this be impossible, in fact the opposite occurred under the last government.  The actions of the homeless have increasingly been criminalised, even when they take over empty housing that…

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