The Sad and Steady Decline of the World’s Oldest Jewish Newspaper

In his efforts to destroy Jeremy Corbyn Stephen Pollard has Destroyed the Reputation & Circulation of the Jewish Chronicle Even by the feral standards of Britain’s tabloid press, the Jewish Chronicle is in a class of its own.  Under former Daily Express editor, Stephen Pollard, the favoured son of Britain’s largest pornography publisher and EDL/UKIP…

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Jewdas or Judas? – Who’s Betraying Whom?

Keeping it in the family – Jewdas Rebellion Doesn’t Extend to Palestine or ‘Anti-semitism’ To Jonathan Arkush of the Board of Deputies (or Bored of Deputies) Jewdas are a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’. Arkush and his fellow Zionists cannot be considered politically as of sound mind if they really believe this.  Zionism does terrible things…

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Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

Guardian Letter from 88 Jews Rejects Chief Rabbi’s Claim That Zionism is Integral to Judaism The Guardian today carried a letter from the Free Speech on Israel group containing the signatures of 88 Jews.  The letter was originally sent to The Telegraph in response to a letter by the Chief Rabbi Ken Livingstone and the…

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