Annual Pogrom in Jerusalem as Thousands of Settlers march chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’, ‘May Your Villages Burn’ and ‘A Jew is a Soul, an Arab is a Whore’

YouTube Collude with Zionism’s Genocidal Racism By Deleting Videos of Their Crimes Under Hate Speech Policies Pogrom against Palestinians by Jewish Settlers Jerusalem Day Last Thursday 18 May the annual ritual of thousands of settlers being herded and protected by the Israeli Police through Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem took place. They chanted a variety…

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There is only one solution to the Ascendancy of Ben Gvir and Smotrich – an end to a Jewish Supremacist State

Jonathan Freedland’s Inability to Understand Israel’s Present Crisis is Symptomatic of Liberal Zionism’s Refusal to Accept that a Jewish Democratic State is an Oxymoron Whatever the situation and whatever the crisis, Jonathan Freedland can be relied on not to understand it. So it is with his latest essay on [Netanyahu is leading a coup against his own country. But…

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Is Rachel Reeves the Most Despicable Politician in Britain Today?

Reeves Combines Zionism, Racism, Admiration for a Hitler Loving Anti-Semite & Hostility to the Disabled & Claimants – a Bigot for All Seasons Sturmer pays tribute to Jeremy Corbyn Trying to find the most despicable politician in Britain today is no easy matter. The competition is strong. The Tories have no end of good…

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What is remarkable about Zionism’s claim to the ‘Promised Land’ is how careless they are about preserving its history

The irony of Zionism’s colonisation of Palestine is that it’s the Palestinians who are descended from the original Hebrew tribes When I listen to spokespersons for the settlers, people like Daniella Weiss who claim that God gave the Jews the Land of Israel, that they are merely ‘returning’ home, I can’t help wondering why it is that…

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Haim Hanegbi – Founder of Matzpen – An Appreciation

Obituary in today’s Ha’aretz from Matzpen Hebrew translation of Ha’aretz advert Haim Hanegbi, a founder of the Israeli Socialist Organisation (Matzpen) died on March 2nd 2018.  Below is the paid advert and the translations thereof in Ha’aretz newspaper.  Also I copy below an obituary of Haim by Ahmad Jaradat of the Alternative Information Centre and…

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‘This Road is for Jews Only’ Video: Israeli soldier assaults child playing on Jews-only road These videos speak for themselves.  A soldier steals a 4 year old girl’s bike and throws it away into the bushes because she shouldn’t be on a ‘Jews only’ road.  This is Zionism, what a Jewish state is like in…

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How a Watermelon Posed a Threat to Israel’s Security

The Bureaucratic Malice of Israel’s Occupation On one level of course it is amusing, that a water melon is deemed to be a security threat.  :But  the fact that Israeli soldiers won’t led an old Palestinian man pass with his watermelon is indicative of the crushing nature of Israel’s military presence in the middle of…

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Another Israeli extra-judicial execution B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

Apparently the soldier who executed a Palestinian lying injured on the ground has been arrested.  We can be sure that this animal will, once the publicity has died away, be quietly released after at best a nominal punishment.  Israeli killers in uniform never serve time, still less a sentence of years in prison, unlike Palestinian…

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