Posts Tagged ‘Haredi’
The century long struggle of Jerusalem’s Ultra Orthodox Jews Against Zionism
Clashing with the Jewish state: ultra-Orthodox Israelis who reject Zionism This is a fascinating article on the 30,000 or so Jews who live in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem and who still reject the Zionist State of Israel. It is little known that when the Zionist settlers first came to Palestine from the 1880’s onwards they met…
Read MoreNazi Zionist Comparisons – Israel’s metaphor for a disturbed conscience
In Britain you get the normal effete, polite Zionist who maintains that they are suffering from the ‘burden’ of anti-Semitism, which is all around them, especially when Palestine is on the agenda. One of their ‘tropes’ (their favourite word) is the argument that it is ‘anti-Semitic’ to compare Zionism and Nazism or the Holocaust. Why? …
Read MoreIsrael’s Universities Plan Gender-separate Classes for ultra-Orthodox – Saudi Arabia comes to Israel
Choice in the Israeli State means male and female lecturers only teach the same sex Western liberals have long turned a blind eye to racial segregation in Israel – the fact that Jews and Arabs are segregated in Education, the Civil Service, most employment, land and housing and indeed most areas of civil society is…
Read MoreThe Real Face of Pinkwashing – Look What Happens When a Gay Couple Walk Hand in Hand in Jerusalem
In the Wake of the Murder of Shira Banki Israeli Bigotry Comes to the Fore Israel likes to portray itself as the gay capital of the civilised world. ‘Go to Tehran or Gaza where they hang gays’ Netanyahu tells his anti-Zionist critics. The reality is that most Israelis oppose any form of equal rights for…
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