More False Allegations of Anti-Semitism – their purpose is to shore up position of Progress MP Peter Kyle

Death Threats Sent to Labour’s Rebecca Massey because of vile accusations by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism According to the CAA, anyone who opposes Zionism and supports the Palestinians is anti-Semitic The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’s scurrilous post that has led to death threats against Becky  This scumbag is the person behind much of the CAA output –…

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Brighton & Hove’s Monster Demonstration Against Trump

Praise from one racist Israel’s Prime Minister to Donald Trump –  it’s what I’ve already done Netanyahu tweeted Only Israel and Netanyahu Welcome the Mexican Wall and the Ban on Muslims Completely blocked – the intersection of Bartholomew Square, where Brighton town hall is situated, with Prince Albert Street and The Laines, with Cafe Rouge…

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If Jews in Britain were treated as Israeli Palestinians then they could cry ‘anti-Semitism’

It’s Fun Being an Arab in Israel There are very few good columnists on Israeli newspapers, i.e. one’s who are not racists and who empathise with Israel’s Palestinian population.  Ha’aretz, Israel’s sole liberal daily has two such journalists – Gideon Levy and Amira Hass. Israeli Palestinians can still vote for their representatives in Israel (though…

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The Agonies of Liberal Zionism

The modern face of Israel is becoming less attractive to young Jews in the diaspora It’s an article you wouldn’t see in the Jewish Chronicle because, under Stephen Pollard, the paper has become a Zionist propaganda sheet.  The article below from Ha’aretz, the only liberal daily newspaper in Israel, shows that despite all the huffing…

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Israeli Arabs told to Keep Away From Jewish Swimming Pools

The Ugly Face of Israeli Apartheid In Israel as the article from Jonathan Cook below explains, everything from education to land is segregated.  Arabs get the left overs.  Israel is a state where a plurality of its Jewish population (48%) want Israeli Arabs to be expelled.  Nearly half of Jewish Israelis want to expel Arabs,…

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Gideon Levy on Why Israel is Part of the Family of Evil States

This is a really powerful essay by Gideon Levy, a columnist on Ha’aretz, Israel’s sole remaining liberal paper. Levy and Amira Hass, who is also on Ha’aretz, are virtually the only remaining journalists in Israel who have dedicated themselves to stopping the move to the racist far-right in Israel.  Unsurprisingly both are heavily criticised by…

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Israel’s Slaughter of 546 Children

This is a passionate and breathless article by Gideon Levy, who with Amira Hass is Ha’aretz’s most dedicated and committed columnists.  Ha’aretz is the sole liberal Israeli daily, but many of its columnists are anything but liberal. During the slaughter of the innocents in Operation Protective Edge in 2014, Gideon Levy was one of 5%…

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