Posts Tagged ‘Haaretz’
We Are All Ahed Tamimi – Free Ahed, a 16 year old Palestinian girl arrested in the dead of night by Israel’s Armed Thugs
Ahed is a 16 year old girl, a member of the Tamimi family in Nabi Saleh known for its fighting spirit against an occupation that has stolen much of their lands. Ahed was photographed with her mother two days ago slapping an Israeli soldier who was trying to invade her house. These soldiers had just…
Read MoreJewish Voices for Labour Expels Gary Spedding & its Zionist wing (or some of them) – after much Blood, Sweat & Bile
JVL faces a choice – Jewish anti-Zionism or Jewish Identity Politics I have to confess that getting the leadership of Jewish Voice for Labour to see sense and remove some of its Zionist members was like drawing teeth. A few days ago I was contacted by members of Jewish Voice for Labour, which sees itself…
Read MoreArabs not allowed in Hochav Yair Tzur’s Country Club – Apartheid? Perish the thought
In the affair over the refusal to admit non-Jews to the country club in Hochav Yair Tzur, you see the realities of Israeli social apartheid and the ingrained racism in Israel. Structurally Apartheid already exists in relation to residence, employment and education. When an Israeli Arab applied to join the club, which has good social…
Read MoreDestroying the Myths of Israel’s Birth – the Mass Gang Rape & Murder of an Arab Child
I was brought up to believe that when Israel was founded, she was attacked by her Arab neighbours because they hated a Jewish state. It was this in mind that the Arab villagers were instructed, by the leaders of the Arab states, to evacuate in order that the Arab armies could operate without let or…
Read MoreIs describing Israel as an Apartheid State anti-Semitic?
Yet in Israel ‘Apartheid’ is a term regularly used even by Zionists Below is an article by Richard Kuper of Free Speech on Israel/JfJP on how the term ‘Apartheid’ is regularly used in Israel to describe the relations between Israeli Palestinians and Jews. Yet in Britain propaganda groups, like the Jewish Labour Movement regularly accuse…
Read MoreGideon Levy’s Heartfelt Apology to Haaretz Readers
Gideon Levy – Ha’aretz journalist under constant attack by the racists and Zionists Gideon Levy is, with Amira Hass, the bravest and most articulate of Israeli journalists. Both have come under repeated threat from the racists who make up the majority of Israel’s population. Incitement to attack opponents of Zionism in Israel is considered normal…
Read MoreIsrael’s Universities Plan Gender-separate Classes for ultra-Orthodox – Saudi Arabia comes to Israel
Choice in the Israeli State means male and female lecturers only teach the same sex Western liberals have long turned a blind eye to racial segregation in Israel – the fact that Jews and Arabs are segregated in Education, the Civil Service, most employment, land and housing and indeed most areas of civil society is…
Read MoreThe Routine Violence of Israel’s Occupation is Caught on Camera
The Campaign Against ‘Anti-Semitism’ will say this video is ‘Anti-semitic’ and Len Duvall, London’s Racist Labour Leader will agree Only the die-hard Zionists of the misnamed ‘charity’ the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism will say this video of sickening Israeli police violence is anti-Semitic. Their grounds no doubt will be that it insinuates that British Jews and…
Read MoreIsrael’s Golani Brigade Seizes an 8 year old Palestinian Child
The Heroism of the World’s Most Moral Army when faced with an 8 year old Palestinian child terrorist I know it is easy to criticise the Israeli army but are only doing their duty in what are very difficult circumstances. The Palestinians living under occupation don’t like them and this is particularly true of their…
Read MoreCould you think of a more suitable Foreign Minister for Israel?
A good well researched story by Richard Silverstein of Tikkun Olam on the pedigree of Israel’s fascist foreign minister. A former night club bouncer from Moldova, he beat up a 12 year old child and was convicted in Israel. But none of this stopped him from being elected, along with other racists, to Israel’s Knesset …
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