Is describing Israel as an Apartheid State anti-Semitic?

Yet  in Israel ‘Apartheid’ is a term regularly used even by Zionists Below is an article by Richard Kuper of Free Speech on Israel/JfJP on how the term ‘Apartheid’ is regularly used in Israel to describe the relations between Israeli Palestinians and Jews.  Yet in Britain propaganda groups, like the Jewish Labour Movement regularly accuse…

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Gideon Levy’s Heartfelt Apology to Haaretz Readers

Gideon Levy – Ha’aretz journalist under constant attack by the racists and Zionists Gideon Levy is, with Amira Hass, the bravest and most articulate of Israeli journalists.  Both have come under repeated threat from the racists who make up the majority of Israel’s population.  Incitement to attack opponents of Zionism in Israel is considered normal…

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The Routine Violence of Israel’s Occupation is Caught on Camera

The Campaign Against ‘Anti-Semitism’ will say this video is ‘Anti-semitic’ and Len Duvall, London’s Racist Labour Leader will agree Only the die-hard Zionists of the misnamed ‘charity’ the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism will say this video of sickening Israeli police violence is anti-Semitic.  Their grounds no doubt will be that it insinuates that British Jews and…

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