Gideon Levy on Why Israel is Part of the Family of Evil States

This is a really powerful essay by Gideon Levy, a columnist on Ha’aretz, Israel’s sole remaining liberal paper. Levy and Amira Hass, who is also on Ha’aretz, are virtually the only remaining journalists in Israel who have dedicated themselves to stopping the move to the racist far-right in Israel.  Unsurprisingly both are heavily criticised by…

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Israel’s Slaughter of 546 Children

This is a passionate and breathless article by Gideon Levy, who with Amira Hass is Ha’aretz’s most dedicated and committed columnists.  Ha’aretz is the sole liberal Israeli daily, but many of its columnists are anything but liberal. During the slaughter of the innocents in Operation Protective Edge in 2014, Gideon Levy was one of 5%…

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Israel Herzog v Gideon Levy and the Bankruptcy of Israeli Labour

The debate in the pages of Ha’aretz between Gideon Levy and Isaac Hertzog, leader of the Zionist Union/Israeli Labor Party demonstrates the utter bankruptcy of the Zionist ‘left’. It is a useful reminder of how useless the Israeli Labour Party is since there are illusions among the Corbynistas, not least Corbyn himself, that the Israeli…

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In 2016 one doesn’t have to be Adolf Eichmann to be executed in Israel – it’s enough to be a teenage Palestinian girl with scissors

An excellent article by Gideon Levy in Ha’aretz.  The Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom recently alleged that Israel was executing Palestinians. Sweden demands probe of Israeli ‘extrajudicial executions’ The response from Netanyahu was predictable.  He denounced her remarks as ‘outrageous’  Abdallah al-Shalalda was executed in Hebron hospital when an Israeli death squad came disguised in…

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Palestinian Violence Came From Nowhere

A brilliant article by Ha’aretz’s Gideon Levy, who with Amira Hass, is the conscience of Israel.  During Operation Protective Edge, when he went to Ashdod, his security minders had to get him away quickly as he was in danger of also being lynched by Israeli right-wingers who don’t go a bundle on freedom of speech.…

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Israeli Labour – As Racist as Likud

There is nothing that Netanyahu’s done that Israeli Labour governments haven’t done before him Those with short memories and an even shorter imagination believe that an Israeli Labour Party government will be a break from the Netanyahu government.  This despite the fact that the ILP has supported all the attacks on Gaza. Now the leader…

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