Jonathan Hoffman’s Gang of Zionist Fascists Blame Anyone but themselves for the Suicide of their friend Jason Silver

Hoffman, Mandy Blumenthall, Andrew Gatward & Ambrosine Shitrit Are Proof that Zios Have the Ethics of a Rattlesnake as They Try to Exploit the Death of a Friend for Political Purposes For some time a group of Zionist fascists, led by one Jonathan Hoffman, have gone around London deliberately trying to disrupt Palestine solidarity meetings,…

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EXCLUSIVE – Lifting the lid on Collaboration between the Far Right and Zionist Activists

Zionist Demonstration Outside Palestine Expo 2017 included neo Nazi group Britain First’s Intelligence Chief Paul Besser and Jonathan Hoffman Paul Besser – Intelligence Chief of neo-Nazi group Britain First with Jonathan Hoffman – JDL member Gemma Sheridan is between them Hoffman tries to deny Besser is in neo-Nazi group Britain First Outside the Ahava shop…

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