GAZA – Israel murders over 50 unarmed Palestinians and injures over a thousand yet Labour Friends of Israel blames the victims

Either Emily Thornberry Resigns from Labour Friends of Israel or she must be sacked from the Shadow Cabinet ‘Modern Israel stands out as a beacon of freedom, equality and democracy’ –  Emily Thornberry      The hypocrisy of Thornberry who praises Israel’s ‘democracy’ – Israel’s murderous actions were supported by the Israeli Labour Party On the day…

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Even poets are a threat to Israel’s Jewish Supremacist State

What Kind of State Gaols and Prosecutes a Poet for Incitement?  A Police State The myth of Israel as a democratic state is widespread.  In the words of Emily Thornberry, Labour’s racist Shadow Foreign Secretary, ‘Modern Israel is a beacon of freedom, equality and democracy.” Dareen Tatour Labour’s racist Shadow Foreign Secretary, Emily Thornberry As…

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Meet Avi Gabbay, Israeli Labour’s Racist New Leader

According to the Jewish Labour Movement’s ‘Sister Party ‘Settlements represent the ‘beautiful face of Zionism’ “The beautiful face of Zionism”- protecting settlements  from the natives. A checkpoint in the Jordan Valley, which “must remain” under Israeli state control; photo on January 2, 2014 by Uri Lenz/Flash90 Officially both the Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Friends…

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