Why is the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain Justifying Zionism’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ Narrative?

At a time of Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza the Communist Party of Britain is Holding a Seminar ‘Understanding Anti-Semitism’s ‘Contested’ Relationship to Anti-Zionism’ [This article also appears in this week’s Weekly Worker as Distracting from genocide] ‘Anti-Semitism’ has been the weapon that Zionism has deployed to defend genocide in Gaza. It is not…

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BBC Panorama Could Have Shown How Israel’s Main Purpose in Gaza is Ethnic Cleansing Instead It Decided to ‘Expose’ British Muslims Support for Hamas!

Instead of a Documentary on the Bombing of Every Hospital &University in Gaza the BBC Employed Islamaphobe John Ware as its Witchfinder General You might think that at a time of genocide in Gaza Panorama might devote a programme to exposing Israeli lies about October 7 or how ethnic cleansing, not defeating Hamas, is the…

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Defend David Miller Against Both the Zionists & their Apologists on the Left – There are Many Criticisms That Can Be Made of Miller but Anti-Semitism Isn’t One Of Them

JVL’s Attack on Miller is Jewish Exceptionalism – The SWP’s Attack is Political Cowardice Sound of the Police On 9 August Jewish Voices for Labour issued a statement David Miller has crossed a line in response to a tweet from Miller which said:’ “The facts: 1. Jews are not discriminated against. 2. They are over-represented in Europe, North America…

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If the Government’s Anti-Boycott Bill Had Been Law in 1933 the Jewish Boycott of Nazi Germany Would Have Been Illegal

This Law Has One Purpose – To Protect Israeli War Crimes – This is why Starmer & Labour’s Cowardly MPs Support It When justifying the Government’s Anti-Boycott Bill, Michael Gove stated that BDS leads to “appalling antisemitic rhetoric and abuse.” Not one iota of evidence was tendered in support of this lie nor could there be. It simply doesn’t exist. Gove is…

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In the Face of Fierce Competition ‘Lord’ John Mann Has Won the Award for Most Dishonest Politician of the Year – Again

 Mann combines Opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ with Virulent Racism against Gypsies, Black and Muslim People Loudmouth Mann confronts Ken Livingstone I have covered John Mann before when he lied about and harassed a 90 year old Jewish Dr Glatt. In July 2019 John Mann was appointed by Theresa May as her advisor on ‘anti-Semitism’. In September Mann was made ‘anti-Semitism…

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The Hypocritical War by the Jewish Chronicle and the Jewish Establishment on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party

The Hypocritical War by the Jewish Chronicle and the Jewish Establishment on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party Who Would Have Thought that Stephen Pollard, the Jewish Chronicle’s Editor, would DEFEND an antisemitic Polish MEP, Michal Kaminski, because he was pro-Israel? BRICUP Newsletter 27 John Bercow, the former Speaker, denies that there is any trace…

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