The One Thing Diane Abbot Hasn’t Been Suspended For Is Anti-Semitism

Why did the Community Security Trust, which claims it is ‘working towards the elimination of racism and anti-Semitism’ invite Suella Braverman to its 2023 Annual Dinner? Cruella and the Refugee ‘Invasion’ There is no doubt that Diane Abbot’s letter to the Observer could have been better worded. Pigmentation or colour isn’t the cause of racism though in Britain, because…

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It’s not Corbyn but Starmer’s Cynical Use of Jews to Attack the Left that is Anti-Semitic

The Labour Left Will Never Recover Until It Understands That ‘Anti-Semitism’ Was a Lie Designed by Racists to Defeat Anti-Racists Keir Starmer’s ‘patriotism’ is the last refuge of a scoundrel – Corbyn must declare his candidacy now Last Tuesday in that good socialist newspaper The Times Keir Starmer declared war on what’s left of the Labour Left,…

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Open Letter to John McDonnell – What Purpose Do You Serve When Hauling Up The White Flag Is Your Only Strategy?

Open Letter to John McDonnell – What Purpose Do You Serve When Hauling Up The White Flag Is Your Only Strategy?  As Miners’ Leader Mick McGahey Once Said,  ‘They’ll Stop Chasing You When You Stop Running’ Dear John, On 18th February, the day Russia invaded Ukraine, Stop the War Coalition issued a statement calling for an end to the…

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