Why is the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain Justifying Zionism’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ Narrative?

At a time of Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza the Communist Party of Britain is Holding a Seminar ‘Understanding Anti-Semitism’s ‘Contested’ Relationship to Anti-Zionism’ [This article also appears in this week’s Weekly Worker as Distracting from genocide] ‘Anti-Semitism’ has been the weapon that Zionism has deployed to defend genocide in Gaza. It is not…

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If the Government’s Anti-Boycott Bill Had Been Law in 1933 the Jewish Boycott of Nazi Germany Would Have Been Illegal

This Law Has One Purpose – To Protect Israeli War Crimes – This is why Starmer & Labour’s Cowardly MPs Support It When justifying the Government’s Anti-Boycott Bill, Michael Gove stated that BDS leads to “appalling antisemitic rhetoric and abuse.” Not one iota of evidence was tendered in support of this lie nor could there be. It simply doesn’t exist. Gove is…

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Weaponising Jewish Suffering in order to Inflict More Suffering

It takes the genius of imperialism’s ideological and propaganda offensive to turn the industrial annihilation of 6 million people into a propaganda weapon in aid of further suffering and murder.  Israel, a state that has either murdered or helped murder some quarter of a million people since its formation, has made the misuse of the…

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