Unprincipled, Opportunistic, War Mongering and Racist – The Green Party is NOT an Alternative to New Labour

Unprincipled, Opportunistic, War Mongering and Racist – The Green Party is NOT an Alternative to New Labour The Decision to Reject Ken Livingstone Because of ‘Anti-Semitism’ is Out of Keir Starmer’s Playbook To Register for the Discussion on Grassroots Labour click here https://www.tickettailor.com/events/labourgrassroots/649378 This morning Crispin Flintoft’s popular Not the Andrew Marr Show, which acts as a forum for those…

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Justice for Jay Abatan – 23 Years is Long Enough to Wait

Justice for Jay Abatan – 23 Years is Long Enough to Wait SUSSEX POLICE ARE NOT INNOCENT – Jay Abatan is Brighton’s Stephen Lawrence  On the 29th January 1999 Jay Abatan was murdered by a White racist gang after he and his brother Michael had gone to the Ocean Rooms night club in Morley Street, Brighton. Sussex…

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Defend Professor David Miller – Defend Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom

Defend Professor David Miller – Defend Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom  Bristol University’s Cowardice in Bowing to  Zionist McCarthyism and the Israel Lobby is a good example of Cancel Culture Register here Professor David Miller of Bristol University has just been dismissed by Bristol University DESPITE a favourable Report from a QC that the University hired. In…

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Green Party Witchhunt Against Shahrar Ali, its former Deputy Leader at the behest of the Islamaphobes of the Campaign Against Antisemitism

Green Party Witchhunt Against Shahrar Ali, its former Deputy Leader at the behest of the Islamaphobes of the Campaign Against Antisemitism As the Zionists Wage Their ‘Anti-Semitism’ Wars, Caroline Lucas and the Green Party Leadership Have Abandoned Support for the Palestinians and BDS Who would have thought, that in the fight against ‘anti-Semitism’ that Caroline…

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