Tony Greenstein | 04 March 2012 | Post Views:

Jenny Tonge ‘will very quickly come to see the virtue of being at a distance from a rapidly sinking political party and its dead in the water leader.’

Now is the time when all good men and women are called to come to the rescue of an endangered species, Jonathan Hoffman. Not only was he attacked by UJS’s Danny Sheldon some time ago, for mixing it with the EDL, it seems the knives are out for for him amongst a wider echelon.

In the wake of Jenny Tonge’s sacking by Nick Clegg we have all the usual Zionist vitriol but a surprising article by someone who titles themselves ‘real Zionist’.

He begins by saying that ‘the relationship between Tonge et al and the Richard Millets and Jonathan Hoffmans of this world is one of truly symbiotic, mutual, self promotional back scratching.’ Well I wouldn’t put it like that but it is an interesting description. RZ describes ‘the Ahava fiasco, and captured for posterity by the infamous video of one of Hoffmans more celebrated performances.’

RZ describes as ‘most interesting’ ‘the reactions of passers by. Hoffman is in a state of extreme agitation throughout,frequently shading off into unedifying rants. And always with a deep scowl on his face. YET ALL THE WHILE trying to shove flyers into the hands of passers by. There is no record of anyone accepting one of these flyers. Would you accept something from someone in an extreme state of agitation that was scowling at you ? Personally I like my salespersons to be smiling.’

Even more interesting is his pouring of cold water on the charges themselves. To anyone who has a few brain cells in working order the statement that Israel can’t last in its present form is a statement of the obvious. Only a coward like Clegg, dancing to the Murdoch and tabloid tunes would instantly react without thinking.

But as RZ said, ‘she will very quickly come to see the virtue of being at a distance from a rapidly sinking political party and its dead in the water leader.’ And that is the true moral of the story!!

And there is that lovely video of Hoffman who looks for all the world as if he has just escaped from whatever the PC term is for a mental asylum. Deranged is not the world.…

On Jenny Tonge without the hysteria

By Real Real Zionist, March 2, 2012

Death by camera and recording.

I have long been exasperated by Jenny Tonge.I don’t think she is any sense a racist. I think her heart is in the right place, if only it were so in the case of her head. My quarrel with Jenny is that she is a very poor advocate of ” the cause “.

She has little sense of the importance of language, style and association.She has very poor impulse control. She also is apt to be distracted by the competing and incompatible cause of self promotion. Do we know anyone else like that ? A related disability is that, given the inevitable iffyness of some of the company she will be keeping when she puts herself on the platform at these kinds of meetings,in order to maintain a prominence among them, she needs to say the most startling things. So Jenny Tonge has said some pretty stupid things, not least the organ harvesting comments ( almost unbelievable that she did that ).

Her style and habits will only cause her to be heard in the ghetto of BDS and the more extremist fringes of PSC. Regular people don’t buy from rabids they sense they can’t trust or believe. I wouldn’t be seen dead at this kind of meeting. I prefer to spend my time where I might learn something.( Like hanging out on this blog site ha ha.)

There is of course a mirror image of Jenny Tonge and some of her associates in the lunatic fringe of the Zionist Federation. More then that, the relationship between Tonge et al and the Richard Millets and Jonathan Hoffmans of this world is one of truly symbiotic, mutual, self promotional back scratching.

The LFZF won’t sell anything either. This was graphically illustrated by the Ahava fiasco, and captured for posterity by the infamous video of one of Hoffmans more celebrated performances. Bear in mind the context when you watch the video ( link below ). Regular anti Ahava demonstrations had been established in an attempt to persuade the public not to buy Ahava products. Then counter demonstrations began to deliver a counter message. In other words to try to sell something to an uninformed public.

What is most interesting is the reactions of passers by. Hoffman is in a state of extreme agitation throughout,frequently shading off into unedifying rants. And always with a deep scowl on his face. YET ALL THE WHILE trying to shove flyers into the hands of passers by. There is no record of anyone accepting one of these flyers. Would you accept something from someone in an extreme state of agitation that was scowling at you ? Personally I like my salespersons to be smiling.

It is interesting to see what did for Jenny Tonge so far as her place in the LIB DEM party is concerned. It seems there were two charges, consisting of something she said and something she didn’t say.

She said “Israel won’t last forever” or “Israel won’t last forever in it’s present form”, depending on which account you read. Now it seems strange that she should be required to apologise for that. That can be a perfectly respectable position depending on how it is arrived at and delivered. What is wrong with, “If Israel doesn’t do a deal soon it will bring about the end of Israel, in the sense of a Jewish majority state.” What’s wrong with that ? It is a view I hold myself. Of course it wouldn’t have come out like that. More likely it came out as an emotive ” ISRAEL WON’T LAST FOREVER” with an undertone of “ISRAEL WILL BE DESTOYED !!!!!”.

More interesting is the second charge. Apparently O’Keefe said something. She was on the same platform. She remained quiet.She said nothing to challenge him. Well if we can be hung for what we don’t say there are members of the ZF who should be considering their position regarding their membership thereof.

Jenny Tonge hasn’t gone away. Hopefully she will have learned something and be able to adapt and make a more positive and effective contribution ( I am not holding my breath ). What we can say for sure is she will very quickly come to see the virtue of being at a distance from a rapidly sinking political party and its dead in the water leader.

Is there really anyone in the world that cares whether Jenny Tonge is a member of the LIB DEMS or the Ferret Fanciers Liberation Front ?

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Tony Greenstein

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