Tony Greenstein | 08 March 2018 | Post Views:

Traditional Values in a Modern Setting –Lynching brought up to date with
a cast of villains – Jeremy Newmark, Jewish Labour Movement, Jon Lansman and Iain McNicol

It is a little known fact, as the Jewish News reported, that I was the first person to coin the phrase ‘Lynching’ in respect of the treatment accorded Jackie Walker.  This was when I wrote a blog The Jewish Labour Movement and its Political Lynching of Jackie Walker on 17th September 2016, little more than a week before the fateful Labour Party conference which led to the suspension of Jackie.  
After Jackie had been reinstated by the Labour Party after having been first suspended in May of that year over a private Facebook discussion about Jewish involvement in the slave trade, the Jewish Labour Movement had fixed her in their sights.  Jackie was an ideal target – she was an anti-Zionist, she was  Vice Chair of Momentum and above all she was Black and claiming to be Jewish.  Come and see the play.  It’s great agit-prop and deeply moving.

When Jackie
spoke earlier in September with John McDonnell at a Brighton LRC meeting Newmark
had attacked McDonnell for speaking on the same platform with her. Later the invitation
to McDonnell to speak at the JLM fringe meeting was withdrawn.  Newmark stated
in the Jewish Chronicle [14.9.16.] that McDonnell:
” must explain his defence of Walker which
is inconsistent with his call for zero tolerance. This raises serious
questions. Our members expect him to explain himself.” 
The arrogance of this corrupt
beggared belief but it was clear that Jackie was being targeted by
these vicious racists, hence I coined the title of a Political Lynching.
Come and see the shows – they are riveting!

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Tony Greenstein

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