Tony Greenstein | 16 July 2018 | Post Views:

Large Anti-Fascist Mobilisation in Response to Football Lads Alliance Demonstration June 9th

On June 9th the Football Lads Alliance held a demonstration in London demanding the release of anti-Muslim racist Tommy Robinson.  It is estimated that up to 15,000 attended. 

The following day hundreds of FLA supporters joined Zionists at the annual Al Quds demonstration in London joining with far-Right Zionists in an attempt to stop the march.  The pretext was ‘anti-terrorism’.

Steve Hedley who was attacked by fascists

In the past few days there have been dozens of anti-Trump demonstrations all over Britain, culminating in an estimated 200,000 demonstration in London on Friday.  On Saturday the FLA held a pro-Trump, release Tommy Robinson demonstration.  I estimate there were a few thousand fascists and a similar number of anti-fascists.

There were two separate mobilisations – the anarchists at the South Bank Centre and Stand up to Racism at the old Scotland Yard HQ in Victoria Street.  Both met up at around 2pm in Whitehall.

June 9th fascist march

Below are some pictures of the demonstration and the fascists.

The Zionist Campaign for Truth describes the attack on Steve Hedley as a ‘scuffle’

Reports came in later that Steve Hedley, Assistant General Secretary of the RMT trade union had been glassed by these fascist thugs and other members of the RMT attacked in the Westminster Arms pub.

Police surround a number of fascists near Portcullis House – man in green is Neil Horan, a defrocked priest and Christian Zionist and fascist

People at the rallying point at the South Bank Centre

Police seal off  Trafalgar Square

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Tony Greenstein

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