Tony Greenstein | 23 July 2015 | Post Views:

I came across this article, written  on the Israeli magazine website 972mag at the
time of Protective Edge.  300 survivors
of the holocaust had taken an advertisement out in the New York Times to say
that they dissociated themselves from Protective Edge, the bombing and attack
on Gaza and the mass killing inflicted on a largely civilian population by
state-of-the-art Israeli planes.

The reaction of a section and not a small section of
the Right in Israel was to take to social media to wish death upon those who
wrote and not merely death, but a desire that Hitler had finished the work and
killed them too in the gas chambers.

How you might ask has it come to it that a state that
calls itself Jewish is the harbinger of those who wish to see a holocaust perpetrated
against their Jewish enemies?  If someone
who was non-Jewish in Britain and most other European countries told someone
who is Jewish that they wish they had also died in the holocaust they would be
liable to prosecution for hate crimes, incitement to racial hatred etc.  In Israel such comments are made with

I have previously covered instances of the use of ‘Hitler
was right’ directed against the Israeli left before  in relation to protests at the eviction of Palestinian families from Sheikh
Jarrah in Jerusalem, but this article by Ami Kaufman demonstrates that such
individual reactions are commonplace on the right in Israel.

Why is this so? 
On one level an increasing number of Israelis, mainly from the religious
Zionist and nationalist sectors identify the Nazis as strong, like Israelis,
and the Palestinians as being the counterpart of the Nazis’ victims, the weak European
Jews.  The traditional attitude of Israeli
Jews to the holocaust survivors when they came to Israel in the post-war period
was to despise them.  They were termed ‘sapon’
(soap) after the widespread myth that the bodies of Jews had been turned into
soap. [see Tom Segev’s The 7th

This attitude was downplayed post 1967 as the Holocaust
began to be increasingly used as an ideological weapon in the war against the Palestinians
and anti-Zionism. 
But the Left in Israel, because it is seen as being ‘weak’
just like the Jews of the diaspora therefore brings upon itself a new holocaust.  Indeed according to this warped thinking they
actually deserve to have been killed in the Holocaust.  This is the logical culmination of the Zionist
nationalism.   It identifies with the Jews’
historical enemies because they were, at least, strong.

Tony Greenstein

Asher Solomon: It’s a shame Hitler didn’t finish the job.’

 By Ami
August 25, 2014
it’s not The Onion.
few days ago some 300 Holocaust survivors placed an ad in the New York Times condemning the massacre in Gaza. My colleague from
Local Call, John Brown, has selected a few of the responses on Facebook that Israelis posted in response to the ad.
translated a few from John’s selection:

Those aren’t Holocaust survivors those are
probably collaborators with the Nazis.

He’s invited to go back to Auschwitz.

These are survivors who were Kapos. Leftist
traitors. That’s why they live abroad and not in the Jewish State.

Enough, they should die already. They survived
the Holocaust only to do another Holocaust to Israel in global public opinion?

No wonder Hitler murdered 6 million Jews
because of people like you you’re not even Jews you’re disgusting people a
disgrace to humanity and so are your offspring you are trash.

It’s a shame Hitler didn’t finish the job.

Holocaust survivors who think like this are
invited to go die in the gas chambers.

Shitty Ashkenazis you are the Nazis.

lash out against holocaust survivors who oppose ‘Protective Edge’

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Tony Greenstein

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