Tony Greenstein | 10 September 2011 | Post Views:

Beethovians for Boycotting Israel Ask 4 Your Support

As you will know, that wonderful new group, Beethovians for Boycotting Israel made their debut performance at the BBC Proms when the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra performed.

Some 40 tickets were purchased and though some people don’t want recompensing or can afford it, others are unwaged or unemployed and would like the burden shared out. My own ticket cost £22 and so I imagine that the seats for the Choir were around £30, making the total cost over £1,000.

Some supporters, including York PSC who have pledged a magnificent £100, have responded very generously but I am asking that anyone who supported our action and who can afford it make a donation. Please send cheques, made out to ‘J-Big’ [Jews for Boycotting Israel have agreed to act as the collection point] to:

Tony Greenstein (IPO)
Brighton & Hove Unemployed Workers Centre,
4 Crestway Parade,
The Crestway
Brighton BN1 7BL.

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Tony Greenstein

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