EXCLUSIVE – Focus on Zionism’s Fascist Wing – Katie Hopkins Shows the Depth of Racism Amongst British Jewry
The Sad Lives of Zionism’s Tommy Robinson Supporters Exposed

No.1 in a series profiling in depth the small group of fascist Zionists and far-right thugs who conspire to harass and intimidate Palestinians and their supporter. We do not say that all Zionists are fascists but the one’s named below are. Our next report will be on the ‘intellectual’ fascist David Collier, who has tricked much of Britain’s media into accepting his claims that he is an ‘independent researcher’ rather than a far-Right Zionist who denies there is any such thing as Palestinians
The Two Flags of Apartheid – Israel and South Africa
June was a busy month for the fascist wing of British Zionism, although to be fair the difference between the fascist and non-fascist wing as represented by the mainstream Board of Deputies and the Jewish Labour Movement is difficult to discern. When it comes to Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party and ‘anti-Semitism’ there is no difference. The fascists feed off the mainstream narrative.
No doubt more of these characters will be on display this weekend at the Pal Expo 2019 festival at Earl’s Court making a nuisance of themselves. No doubt Paul Besser of the Holocaust denial group Britain First and other supporters of Tommy Robinson and the EDL will be protesting about ‘anti-Semitism’. Perhaps we might even see the unfrocked Catholic priest Neil Horan, a Hitler lover, in his green mini skirt.
Katie Hopkins – Zionist Bigot Extraordinaire
The ritual denunications of a Jewish Katie Hopkins meeting by the Board of Deputies might be more convincing if they also denounced far worse racism in Israel
Word has come in of a large, almost wholly Jewish, meeting in the Jewish owned Pillar Hotel, Hendon this past Tuesday. There is a report by Ben Weich in this week’s Jewish Chronicle. All our old friends were there – Amanda Shitrit and Sharon KKKlaff. As Ben noted:
‘Right-wing agitator Katie Hopkins’ words were not delivered to a crowded meeting of the BNP in Barking but to the sympathetic ears of a roomful of Jewish people in the heart of North West London.
Someone remind me – who was it who compared Jews to vermin? [Clue their initials are AH] This is the type of creature who takes to Zionism these days
This is not surprising. As I argued recently in Electronic IntifadaLet’s be honest about Britain’s obsession with “anti-Semitism the elephant in the room is the extent of racism and Islamaphobia in the British Jewish community
Like all good fascists – KT Hopkins meeting had its accompanying goons and even guard dogs – pity they didn’t have German Shepherd dogs, a favourite at Auschwitz
Britain’s Jews do not suffer from state racism, which is the main form of racism. They are White and privileged. There are no Jewish victims of the Windrush ‘hostile environment’. No Police Stop and Search for Jews to protest about. Racism is rampant in Britain’s Jewish community and Zionism has helped inculcate a toxic degree of Islamaphobia in British Jews against the ‘Arabs’ who are often conflated with Muslims. The essence of Zionism, racism towards the non-Jew and Palestinians in particular, manifests itself in racism against Black and Muslims as well as non-Jews.
That is why Katie Hopkins, despite her comments about refugees being nothing more than cockroaches and vermin, was a guest of honour at the Zionist Federation meeting last year sharing a photo-shot with Israeli Ambassador and war criminal, Mark Regev.
After all in Israel comparisons of Palestinians with cockroaches are nothing new. E.g. former Israeli Chief of Staff, Raful Eitancompared Arabs to ‘drugged cockroaches’ scurrying around in a bottle.
It is why Tommy Robinson has been feted by Jews in Britain and defended in The Times of Israel. Katie Hopkins was the star of the meeting this week and her noxious film about the Islamic ‘invasion’ of Europe, Homelands, was first shown last month in Jerusalem, hosted by the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem who had taken the day off from further demolitions of Palestinian homes.
June started off with the annual Al Quds demonstration in London. For some reason this attracts the ire of an assortment of racists and fascists, including the Board of Deputies. Perhaps it is because those who organise it are sympathetic to Lebanon’s Hizbollah
It is said that Himmler was also a good husband and father – the worst fascists often are
Britain’s token Muslim cabinet minister, Sajid David, in his bid to curry favour recently outlawed the civilian as well as the military wing of Hizbollah! Since the Hezbollah party doesn’t and never has operated in Britain this was a pointless gesture but it was meant to satisfy the Zionist lobby.
Of course it is understandable why the Zionists hate Hezbollah. Hezbollah, who are part of the Lebanese government were the main force driving out Israel from southern Lebanon in 2000. Historically Zionism has always claimed South Lebanon up to the Litani River as part of Eretz Yisrael, the biblical Land of Palestine.
In 2006 Israel decided to reinvade Lebanon because expansionism is in the Zionist DNA. Unfortunately after just one day Israel had lost 33 of its finest and they withdrew with their tails between their legs. Since then they have not dared to attack.
On the day of the demonstration the Zionists made a nuisance of themselves but were unable to prevent the march taking place.
The Fascists taking part in the Board of Deputies Demonstration at Al Quds included Tommy Robinson’s Bodyguard – Danny Thomo
Amongst the fascists taking part at Al Quds was Danny Thomas, Tommy Robinson’s bodyguard. At the end the fascists rejoined the Board of Deputies demonstration to applause from the bourgeois elements, thus demonstrating that there is little difference between one group of racists and another. Except that the open fascists lack good manners, breeding and etiquette.
The month was also marked by the conviction of two Zionist thugs Jonathan Hoffman and Damon Lenszner in the Hendon magistrates court. Unfortunately, as part of a plea deal, the charges of common assault and in Lenszner’s case assault by beating were dropped. Hoffman has been whining and lying ever since. According to legal expert Sharon KKKlaff they were charged‘on spurious grounds’.
We start with a focus on one of the most disreputable of the fascists, Sharon KKKlaff, an émigré from Apartheid South Africa. She comes from a long fascist pedigree.
A South African Supporter of Apartheid she finds a multi-racial society too difficult to adjust to
Klaff hero worshipping Katie Hopkins
Sharon Klaff nee Olsfanger, from Pretoria, Apartheid South Africa.
Q: 3 words that exemplify what it was like growing up there
A: Best life ever
Her dad was a fascist and supporter of a group that Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt compared to the Nazis – KKKlaff has lived up to her father’s ideals
KKKKlaff is a vulgar South African and fascist loud-mouth who has brought Zionist extremism to the streets of London
At Al Quds Day 2019 in London many wondered who the screeching harridan with the South African accent was who spent the whole day harassing them. We report here.
The ageing racist who continuously insulted and tried to provoke peaceful marchers is SHARON KLAFF aka KKKlaff was also deliberately confrontational with the police throughout the day. She tried to intimidate the police who restrained her telling them she was going to complain to “an important friend of hers who was a Detective Chief Inspector”.
Like many Zionists, Klaff is stupid and does not understand English humour and IRONY. At one point trying to provoke and patronise a policeman she pointed at the very large flag of Palestine and screeching asked if he knew which flag it was – the policeman replied deadpan “Israel, I think”.
Klaff sordid family history
[Klaffs’ Grandfather was interned by the South African Government on suspicion of being a pro-German agent and a grave threat to national security during the war.].
Of course the future Apartheid Prime Minister John Vorster was also interned as a Nazi supporter
Krazy KKKlaff with Ambrosine Shitrit, Paul Besser (ex-Britain First gofer) and extremist Zionist goon Jonathan Hoffman
Shitrit complaining that she had been misidentified as KKKlaff and screaming ‘libel’. Although Canary made a mistake the fact is that she is an Islamaphobe. Needless to say no lawyers were consulted.
Klaff’s father was the escort for Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism which Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendtdescribed in a letter to the New York Times of 4th December 1948 as
‘a political party closely akin in its organisation, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties’
In other words Klaff was the daughter of a Jewish Hitlerite and she has followed faithfully in his footsteps. Jabotinsky reached anagreement in 1921 with Simon Petlyura, the anti-Semitic Ukrainian nationalist leader who fought against the Bolsheviks, in the course of which at least 100,000 Jews were murdered in horrific pogroms. Jabotinsky’s Zionism meant he allied with the devil, as he explained, even if that devil was a notorious and bloodthirsty anti-Semite. It became the subject of heated controversy in the 12th Zionist Congress in 1921 and led to the divorce with Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first President and the founding first of the Revisionist Zionist Alliance in 1925 and then the breakaway New Zionist Organisation in 1935 (although Weizmann was very fond of Mussolini who he met 4 times)
Klaffs’ father “Bennie” Olsfanger: escorting Jewish terrorist Ze’ev Jabotinsky around Southern Africa. Jewish terrorist Jabotinsky in drivers’ seat, Olsfanger on right of picture.
Klaffs’ Grandfather
Klaffs’ grandfather was interned by the South African Government on suspicion of being a pro-German agent and a grave threat to national security during the war.
Klaffs’ husband
Husband David Klaff served in the Apartheid South African Army and still brags about it now
The Nazi Jews – Betari Youth Movement
“We dressed in black and khaki and the other Jewish youth movements called us Nazi Jews”.
Boasted Annette Rosenberg, a contemporary of Klaff.
Klaff idol Zionist terrorist Jabotinsky took the Hitler Jugend as his model for the Betar Youth.
Picture of Reisel Kaplan and Louis Rosenberg
Klaff and French Beitari thug Laurent Kachauda
Half a century on Klaff waddles through London with convict Laurent Kachauda, a French Zionist thug earlier sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for an unprovoked assault on an elderly French Jewish lady. Shop assistant Kachauda was sentenced along with 3 Zionist terrorist accomplices: It took 4 Zionist thugs to assault the lady sitting on her own in a cafe.
Klaff waiting to speak at poorly-attended Fascist rally after Anne-Maria Waters, founder Pegida UK with Tommy Robinson.
Ambrosine Shitrit
Shitrit in the audience listening to Anne Marie Waters
Shitrit looking away as Anne Marie-Waters speaks at a Pegida meeting
Here we have Ambrosine Shitrit letting us know her relief that a Muslim, Sajid David no less, will not be the Prime Minister.
Shitrit trying to save Michael English from himself after he posted a video of him being interviewed by the Police – too late unfortunately as I grabbed a screen grab
Here Klaff lets the mask slip once again. She proclaims herself to be a proud national socialist. The Board of Deputies asked her to delete the post. They thought it was embarrassing to be so open about one’s true allegiances.
The racism just spills out
Klaffs’ racist idols: Luke Nash-Jones, Robert Spencer, Carroll, Geller, Tommy Robinson. Spencer and Geller are banned from UK and EU Schengen area.
Betari extremist Zionist thugs idolised by Klaff today still ape the Hitler uniform – brownshirt and
Klaff is enthused by Tommy Robinson’s appearance on Panorama
Klaff being restrained by Police |
Klaff suggests that the prosecution of Jonathan Hoffman and Damon Lenszner for attacking a Palestinian woman was ‘institutionalised anti-Semitism’ on the behalf of the Police
Klaff being restrained by Police
Krazy KKKlaff often becomes unruly and incoherent and has to be restrained by police. Is this because, unlike the Apartheid Police of her former homeland the Met refuse to take orders from her at public events when she insists on “speaking to a superior officer” whenever they do not follow her screeching orders to arrest the nearest Bleck, Mooslem or pro-Palestinian she has decided to pick a fight with
It’s difficult to imagine what Cobbs has with which to blackmail KKKlaff since she seems sham eless. Unless she has some Palestinian children hidden under her floorboards at home.
Apparently Cobbs has joined forces with ‘BDS’ (presumably PSC) which is news to us!!
Even Simple Simon Cobbs wants nothing to do with KKKlaff. Presumably
“..the out of work chap now top-hatted and cock-a-hoop new establishment with a red-faced Israeli suntan courtesy the community’s donations to charity”. Is our very own Simon Cobbs from Sussex Friends of Israel.
Apparently KKKlaff resents the fact that Cobbs, Collier and Cohen get free all-expenses paid jollies to Israel, taking credit for the hard work of Sharon and Shitrit whilst she is manhandled by the Met Police . It breaks one’s heart to see all these divisions amongst the fascist wing of the Zionists
Best life ever! Klaff on her years in Apartheid South Africa “best life ever”.
Klaff having an “ironic” laugh at Sad Loner Richard Millett- Maid of Honor!?? Increasingly deranged posts from Klaff – here making fun of brave loner Dickie Millie? Maid Of Honor?- not our RICHARD MILLETT? I ask you? Pray tell, Sharon!!! Millett has announced a forlorn attempt to sue Jeremy Corbyn for ‘anti-Semitism’
KKKlaff is a member of the extremist Zionist Jewish Defence Forces, a secret closed group whose admin is Mordechai Kedar. Professor Colonel Kedar has argued that Palestinian women and girls should be raped by Occupation soldiers in a wartime situation to deter ‘terrorism’. The secret closed site also claims there never was a Palestine and there are no Palestinians.
Nobody wants to be associated or seen with KKKlaff (or Mark Haringman) except the most extreme Zionist misfits, losers and criminals.
Even North London Friends of Israel want nothing to do with Klaff and her boorish loudmouthed sidekick Mark “Handcuffs” Haringman who posts as Mick McMurphy complaining that he was arrested for not moving on.
Even North London Friends of Israel want nothing to do with Klaff and her boorish loudmouthed sidekick Mark “Handcuffs” Haringman who posts as Mick McMurphy complaining that he was arrested for not moving on.
Klaff with convicted criminals Kachauda & Michael “Mad Mick”English
Klaff to the JTA about western civilisation
I am informed that Klaff and her family have acquired substantial property interests in the UK. When harassing Palestine events she defies police requests to remain in designated counter-protest areas. Below are details of her property company, Bowerbeck Ltd.
Klaff is also associated with Neil Masterson, a nasty thug who served a prison sentence for assault on George Galloway.
Police mugshot of Masterson wearing his pink IDF t-shirt! Court reports said Masterson, a full-time carer, had been a heroin addict for 25 years.
Klaff with Australian Zionist extremist Avi Yemeni who has been refused entry to the US by Homeland Security. From her days in the “Nazi-Jews” of Betar in Apartheid South Africa to London with self-proclaimed Nazi-Jew Yemini Klaff loves neo-Nazis. Even Marie van der Zyl and Jonathan Arkush of the Board of Deputies, who are not unhappy to befriend fascists themselves, draw the line at Krazy KKKlaff and her criminal accomplices
Avi Yemini is a strong supporter of Tommy Robinson
A Touching photo of Klaff and Shitrit dancing together in fascist harmony
KKKlaff addressing Pegida-front rally including MBGA fruit-cake racist Luke Nash-Jones (wearing flag) who was suspended even from UKIP for his extremist views. Loopy Luke, like Krazy KKKlaff spent his early years in Southern Africa – in his case Ian Smiths Rhodesia.
Shitrit speaking at Pegida rally – Krazy KKKlaff with racist Simon Harris of neo-Fascist EDL – European Defence League at Pegida Front rally.
Simon Harris is a great believer in the Aryan race. This is not however anti-Semitic as he is pro-Israel. I think you follow the logic. This is who KKKlaff and Shitrit mix with
This is a potted biography of Simon Harris who announces that a new edition of the Nazis’ favourite book The Protocols is available. For those interested in this book there is an excellent review by an A. Hitler in Mein Kampf where we are assured that it contains nothing but the truth about the Jews.
Shitrit gives a ‘huge thank you’ to ‘Simon Harris blogger’ an open holocaust denier – all in the name of fighting ‘anti-semitism’ – Still this is the position of Jewish Chronicle Editor Stephen Pollard, so it’s not unusual.
Simon Harris – Holocaust Denier and Zionist
Simon Harris is the founder and editor of European Freedom. Despite being a Holocaust denial publication Klaff and Shitrit have no hesitation in appearing with him on a demonstration. Klaff and Shitrit are an integral part of the group of Zionist fascists – from Besser to Hoffman and Collier. What is surprising is that the mainstream press still have not twigged to the fact that Collier is not an independent researcher as he claims but a far-Right Zionist who associates with neo-Nazis, fascists and other loony tunes
Klaff and Shitrit with the Zionist flag alongside holocaust denier Simon Harris
Klaff, Shitrit and holocaust denier Simon Harris
Even the Board of Deputies and JLC have contempt for Klaff and her fascist associates – and given that they’re all right-wing Tories that is something – and their campaign against a Mosque in Golders Green, which has a substantial Muslim population. Their arguments were nakedly racist and even characters like Jonathan Arkush and Stephen Pollard, editor of the Jewish Chronicle, drew the line at such blatant Islamaphobia. Nothing however is too racist for KKKlaff.
BOD Chair Marie van der Zyl puts Klaff in her place
Klaff and Shitrit set up HippodromeGG to oppose a Muslim Cultural Centre in Golders Green. The Jewish News refused to take their ads because they were ‘racist’. Klaff raised the question of noise in a residential street but thought it was OK to use a megaphone and start screeching loudly at night in a residential area in Islington, which did not go too well for her as some of the residents took exception and smacked her one.
Tommy Robinson cult supporter James Goddard, facing charges of assault on Anna Soubrey MP was with EDL and Klaff in trying to disrupt the Al Quds march. Goddard in centre pic holding EDL flag.
Above are Klaff and Shitrit keeping company with defrocked Roman Catholic priest Neil Horan (in green miniskirt), who is an open supporter of Hitler. He was last seen at the picket against ‘anti-Semitism’ at the Palestine Expo 2017. You couldn’t really make it up – demonstrating against anti-Semitism with neo-Nazis!!
Laurent Kachauda
Laurent Kachauda, an activist with French Beitar and a violent thug, came over to the Al Quds demonstration. It was not a happy experience for him. He had threatened to come over with a gun, which was not a wise boast.He along with 4 fascists of the Jewish Defence League were convicted of violence against Olivia Zémor, a French Palestine solidarity activist.
Kachauda undergoing a search by the Met for the gun he boasted of bringing over – Laurent est allé à Londres pour «Le Weekend »
Comme beaucoup de touristes, notre Laurent a fait prendre sa photo avec les “bobbies” de Londres.
Mais notre cher Laurent était très triste et désolé, même s’il avait déjà été accueilli par les “bobbies” Londoniens à son arrivée au large de l’Eurostar à Saint-Pancras.
Kachauda parades with the flag of the Judeo-Nazi Jewish Defence League (banned as a terrorist group in the USA) |
Kachauda was stopped and thoroughly searched by the Met outside Downing Street in Whithall. London. Apparently the Police weren’t happy with a potential terrorist casing the joint. Here is the film.
Kachauda parades with the flag of the Judeo-Nazi Jewish Defence League (banned as a terrorist group in the USA)
Honteusement, À son arrivée à la Gare du Nord pour son voyage à Londres, M.K(h)achauda a également été arrêté et interrogé par les Services de Sécurité Français.
(Mais s’il vous plaît, ne le dites à personne, car Laurent est mortifié et choqué par tout cela).
At Gare du Nord the French Security Services took time to wish Laurent « Bon Voyage » giving him a good going over.
Kachauda’s sorry tale of woe in London – didn’t even have a good night’s sleep!
Nor was it a pleasant stay in London. He was detained for 8-hours at St. Pancras. It seems that the Police had been forewarned!!
Apart from repeated harassment from the Met he managed to stay in a most uncomfortable but expensive flea pit!! Actually it’s hard not to evince sympathy after this description but I’ll try!! The dump in question was the Rose Court near Marble Arch. Clearly more money than sense but no more than he deserved!! I don’t know whether they served breakfast still less whether it was kosher and sanctioned by the Beth Din but I doubt it somehow!!
Stupidement, Laurent semble choisir ses hôtels comme il choisit ses amis en Angleterre: très bas-classe, sordide et sale, très désagréable.
Laurent a choisi de rester dans un petit hôtel sordide très près de Marble Arch – ce que les Anglais appellent un “fleapit”.
Laurent, Comment dit-on “fleapit” en Français ?
Laurent, How do you say « Fleapit » in French ?
Comme l’année dernière, Laurent a participé à la manifestation anti-Palestine avec Jonathan Hoffman et son proche collaborateur,Michael English (Le Roi Sioniste), sans doute les deux leaders les plus importants du mouvement Sioniste en Angleterre.
Like last year Laurent participated in the anti-Palestine demo along with Jonathan Hoffman and his close associate Mr.English Zionist King (!), arguably the two most important leaders of the Zionist Movement in England.’
Laurent est toujours profondément attristé et désolé.Malheureusement, Laurent ne sait plus à qui faire confiance en Angleterre. Quelqu’un l’a trahi – PERFIDE ALBION !
Jonathan Hoffman
No feature on Zionists and fascists would be complete without a mention of poor Jonathan Hoffman, a man much reduced in circumstances. A man who once mixed with the high and mighty found his autism and inability to understand or empathise count against him. Today he is truly a figure of fun.
It has been a rum few months for Jonathan Hoffman otherwise known as Yonatan Scoffman. Convicted of harassing women at Hendon magistrates court, fined and reprimanded, he was the subject of an excellent parody by Stephen Oryszczuk who was the Jewish News Foreign Editor. His piece You can’t put lipstick on a pig summed up the frustration of many Zionists at the tactics of Hoffman – which is basically to shout and harangue and try and drown out people in the hope that if you can’t hear them you’ll never find out the truth.
In many ways this is all a very personal tragedy. Hoffman, was all set to become a candidate for the Renew Party in the European elections! Renew provided the Independent Group’s candidate in the Peterborough by-election. Tragically as we know, the TIG group didn’t take off and two of its MPs are now in the Lib-Dems and the others are at sixes and sevens. However poor Jonathan Scoffman once had high hopes of becoming Jonathan Scoffman MEP!!
Unfortunately after having posted a vile racist cartoon of Jackie Walker Hoffman was ejected from this budding and well meaning group of nonentities, so I’m afraid we will have to wait a few more years, assuming Brexit fails, to see Yonatan Scoffman MEP
Hoffman in a Renew party training video – listening (for once) – he had high hopes of becoming an MEP but sadly it was not to be as he was removed from this tiny party’s candidates list
The picket of the Puma shop which led to Hoffman’s criminalisation
Hoffman is still unable to come to terms with now having a criminal record. He is still lying about having been acquitted of assault on a Palestinian woman, whereas the charges were dropped. Nor were they fictions nor was anyone lying. There was a full feature film which the judge looked at before passing sentence and refusing his solicitor’s suggestion that he receive a conditional discharge.Hoffie’s tactics come over wonderfully in this film below at the successful picket of the Ahava shop in Monmouth Street, Covent Garden, which we eventually got closed down. You see him shouting repeatedly at Bruce Levy that he is the ‘Queen of Renegade Jews’!! ‘Renegade Jew’ is his favourite insult and roughly translates as anti-racist Jews.Stephen Oryszczuk was forced to resign from the Jewish News after having gone public with his criticisms of the joint editorial by 3 Zionist newspapers last year calling Corbyn an anti-Semite.
“Let’s call him Yonatan Scoffman.….. his arguments are bigoted and his actions embarrassing. He disrupts meetings, screams abuse, waves Israeli flags and gets dragged out by security”.
See also Exclusive Focus on Jonathan Hoffman
Scoffman was in court with fellow criminal and fascist Damon Lenszner and what do you know ? Out of all the thousands of solicitors in England and Wales Lenzman just coincidentally had representing him a Manchester solicitor by the name of Daniel Berke. Not only did Berke represent another Berk but he also represents Tommy Robinson. What a small world we live in !!
Although Hoffman was represented by John Dye, a barrister, he was instructed by Berke’s Manchester firm, 3D Solicitors. So both Zionist criminals were represented by the solicitor’s firm that also represents Tommy Robinson. Coincidence? Yes about 1 in 20,000!
Below is a conversation between Manchester petty crook Michael English and an unnamed EDL supporter during the search of Kachauda
reviously I reported that Hoffman was a member of the JDF Facebook group. It seems that as a result of my story he too has resigned.
Other pictures of interest and miscellaneous stuff
Here is a picture of Roberta Moore’s non-Jewish boyfriend Robert de Jonge. Both he and Roberta Moore are members of the neo-Nazi Jewish Defence League. Robert seems to have found a dumber mutt than himself, bearing the logo Free Tommy.
Paul Besser
As regular readers will know, Besser is a member of Britain First and was its ‘intelligence officer’. I reported him in a story about the Confederation of Scottish Friends of Israel as being a member of a secretive Israeli Facebook Group, the Jewish Defence Force. As a result of my exposure he has now resigned
Besser being told off by a Police Officer and standing to attention
A touching photo of Shitrit and Besser
Brian of London – Tommy Robinson’s Israel Organiser
I’ve featured Brian of London before. He is an avid supporter of Tommy Robinson and has close relations with far-Right Zionist David Collier.
Many of these fascists and neo-Nazis gather under the banner of the so-called Campaign for Truth, which Melanie Phillips graced with her presence
Damon Lenszner in a spot of difficulty
Lenszner, who appeared with Hoffman in court, employed Tommy Robinson’s solicitor, Daniel Berke, to defend him.
Mad Mel Gharial
No report on Zionist fascists would be complete without something on Mad Mel, who has to crowdfund in order to afford to get to London for demonstrations. Reputed to have once been a page 3 girl, it would seem that her race hatred and bile has etched itself into her face judging by these photos. She is a female version of Dorian Gray.
Here she is with Danny Thomas, Tommy Robinson’s body guard.