Despite the Support of Large Numbers of Zionists – Tommy Robinson is Heavily Defeated in the Euro Elections
Britain’s leading neo-Nazi expresses his admiration for Israel as Britain’s Zionist establishment keeps quiet
Can anyone put a name to these Orthodox Jewish scumbag supporters of Tommy Robinson?
In an excellent result in the NW England Constituency, Tommy Robinson gained little more than 2% of the vote, forfeiting his deposit. The working class of Manchester and Liverpool and the Lancashire mill towns rejected this foul fascist and Zionist and his racist politics.
However this did not prevent many Zionists from giving Robinson their support and votes on the basis of his support for Israel’s ethno-nationalist state. It is no surprise that someone who is a by-word for racism should find Zionism so attractive and equally it is no surprise that so many Zionists find Tommy Robinson attractive.
One of his main supporters is Avi Yemini, a neo-Nazi supporting Australian Zionist who has a blog on The Times of Israel. [See e.g. Why I’m proud to be a ‘F**king Jew]’ Yemini has been running Robinson election campaign.
The Israeli settler news agency Arutz Sheva led with its story ‘UK Orthodox Jews mobilize for Tommy Robinson’ which reported that ‘A group of British Orthodox Jews’ had launched a ‘mass outreach campaign’ in support of Tommy Robinson. Thousands of flyers were distributed throughout Manchester calling on “our fellow Orthodox Jews” to vote for Robinson and calling Robinson “a staunch friend of our people”.
Tommy Robinson on top of an Israeli tank
Tommy Robinson in an IDF shirt
These Orthodox Zionists asked their supporters to “Please open your hearts and consider giving your vote to Tommy Robinson’ Arutz Sheva revealed that many UK voters were afraid of losing their jobs if it were made public that they support Robinson. The Zionist flyer explained to fellow Jews that
“We all know that in the last few years England has become unrecognisable from the decent country we grew up in… Who among us has not reacted in horror as each month brings new levels of moral decline and self-destruction in the name of ‘diversity’ and ‘human rights’?
This is what Zionism has become. An echo chamber for all that the fascists used to say about Jewish immigrants. Manchester was one of the main centres of Jewish immigration. The flyer continued
‘how long will we wring our hands helplessly, our activists trying to do their best, while the country carries on this awful march to the worst places, led by foolish, corrupt, ‘educated’ leaders?”
The Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl issued a statement condemning the Zionist campaign supporting Robinson saying that
‘Unfortunately that is not true.
Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiments are the staple of Zionist propaganda. Every time criticism is made of Israel’s human rights abuses, the standard retort of the Board of Deputies is to shout ‘Hamas’ with the suggestion that all Palestinians are somehow Muslim fundamentalists.
It was the Board of Deputies who last summer justified and supported the mowing down of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza last summer using Hamas as the pretext. All those mowed down, all the thousands shot by Israel were held to be Islamists. Marie van der Zyl is a racist hypocrite.
Nearly two years ago, Arutz Sheva, which functions as the Israeli mouthpiece for the openly fascist wing of British Zionism spoke of
‘Fear and loathing grip England Jewish establishment over meeting attended by twelve private citizens.’
At the same time, Robert Festenstein, a far-Right solicitor who is the founder and sole member of the misnamed Jewish Human Rights Watch, whose purpose is to ensure that Palestinians don’t gain access to human rights, was forced to issue a statement that Tommy Robinson is not his client after having appeared in a propaganda video for Robinson.
Festenstein is also a member of the Board of Deputies. See: Independent letter to Jews in the North West of England: Vote for Tommy Robinson
Brian of London and his friend, David Collier
Tommy Robinson has a strong support base amongst Britain’s Zionists. E.g. Brian of London, with whom people like David Collier, the so-called independent investigator and Jonathan Hoffman, former Vice-President of the Zionist Federation and a member of the current Zionist Council, keep company.
See Tommy Robinson visited Israel: A response to the Jewish Chronicle’s attack
According to the Guardian Robinson’s former employer Rebel Media said this week that it had paid for Avi Yemini to fly from Melbourne to cover his campaign. See Australian Israeli Jew Avi Yemini campaigns with Tommy Robinson to be MEP for North West England. Yemini was recently denied entry to the US. He has described Islam as a “barbaric ideology” that has taken over England and called Muslim countries “Islamic shitholes”. Yemini is little known in the UK but has been ever-present at Robinson’s rallies, often as a warm-up act on stage
Lisa Barbounis
Another person heavily involved in Robinson’s campaign is Lisa Barbounis a senior executive of the conservative US think tank the Middle East Forum. She has been present at many of his rallies. Barbounis has worked on several Republican campaigns including John McCain’s run for president in 2008. She has been on Robinson’s campaign for about a fortnight. The Philadelphia-based group, which is well funded by a number of US rightwing donors, says its goal is to defend “anti-Islamist authors” and last year spent tens of thousands of pounds on Robinson’s demonstrations and legal fees when he was jailed for contempt of court.
Yemini is friendly with a variety of neo-Nazis. See Australia’s Jews Against Fascism expose ‘7+ Times Avi Yemini consorted with Neo-Nazis’ on the willingness of Yemini to work with prominent neo-Nazis. As JAF say ‘Avi Yemini is a useful idiot in the endless soap opera that is Australia’s far-right melodrama.
Erikson (third from left)
They give 7 examples of the neo-Nazis that this Zionist workers with:
1. Neil Erikson
Cottrell middle
2. Blair Cottrell / United Patriots Front. Cottrell’s belief that
“There should be a picture of this man [Adolf Hitler] in every classroom and every school, and his book should be issued to every student annually”
doesn’t prevent Yemini working with him.
3. Milo Yiannopolous and Avi Yemini – Milo Yiannopolous was the assistant Editor at Brietbart News, the far-Right and anti-Semitic magazine of the alt-Right and Steve Bannon in the United States until Yiannopolous’s advocacy of paedophilia became too much even for his far-Right backers. He is an open supporter of Jewish conspiracy theories.
4. Then there are the Soldiers of Odin and Avi Yemini. Soldiers of Odin was founded in Finland by neo-Nazi Mika Ranta (criminal convictions for racist assaults), and is an offspring of the Nordic Resistance Movement. Avi Yemini met with Soldiers of Odin to garner their support. He made them a promo video for their efforts:
Tommy Sewell attending Yemini’s make Victoria safe again
5. Tom Sewell / The Lad’s Society / Antipodean Resistance and Avi Yemini The Lad’s society is a neo-Nazi spin off from the United Patriots Front). It is brainchild of Thomas Sewell, a faithful servant of Blair Cottrell.
6. Chris Shortis / Australia First & Avi Yemini Chris Shortis says he is definitely not a Nazi, just a national socialist!! Perhaps someone will tell him that Nazi is simply short for ‘national socialist’!! Shortis (now ex-UPF) is member of Jim Saleam’s little Nazi mob, the Australia First Party. He is an online antisemitic ranter, Jewish conspiracy theorist, all round Christian extremist, with the usual multiple interests of day-to-day neo-Nazis at the minute. When Shortis got charged (and convicted) for racial vilification along with Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson, Avi Yemini showed up to the court to shake Chris Shortis’ hand
Moger making white power signs
7. Stuart von Moger / Lad’s Society / Antipodean Resistance & Avi Yemini. Stuart von Moger has been lurking around the neo-Nazi Lad’s Society, now indistinguishable from its youth wing Antipodean Resistance, since it’s inception. Von Moger is second from left in the earlier photo in this article of the Lads celebrating Hitler’s birthday. Below (top) he is photographed making ‘White Power’ hand signals with fascist Lauren Southern, alongside mates from Lad’s Society and Antipodean Resistance. Stuart and Lad’s Society Nazis provided security for the event. Below (bottom) he is photographed with Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell at the Milo Yiannopolous event, which, as noted, Avi Yemini attended/promoted.