The Torture of Julian Assange and the Destruction of a Human Being – it’s called the Special Relationship
The Torture of Julian Assange and the Destruction of a Human Being – it’s called the Special Relationship Westminster’s District Judge Baraitser Seemed to Think that she was part of the Prosecution – She Didn’t Know How to Say No to Them Below is a report by Craig Murray, Britain’s Ambassador to Uzbekistan from 2002-2004,…
Read MoreOpen Letter to Ben Jamal, Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – When Are You Going to Fight Back?
Open Letter to Ben Jamal, Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – When Are You Going to Fight Back? I was Thrown out Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s Trade Union Conference for Distributing Leaflets against the IHRA Last Saturday I attended PSC’s trade union conference as a representative of my union branch (UNITE). Prior to this I had written, as…
Read MoreLib Dems for Free Speech Demand Free Speech on Palestine Inside the Lib-Dems
Lib Dems for Free Speech Demand Free Speech on Palestine Inside the Lib-Dems Asking for democratic rights in the Lib-Dems is like asking Donald Trump to speak the truth I have to confess that I’ve told Jonathan Coulter, who is a good comrade and one of the signatories to the leaflet below that was distributed…
Read MoreThe Cynicism of Twitter Who Are REFUSING to Process My Appeal
The Cynicism of Twitter Who Are REFUSING to Process My Appeal It’s Fine to Call Someone an Anti-Semite in Twitter’s Eyes But Wrong To Make Fun of These Trolls UPDATE – VICTORY BUT… Well today Twitter finally got back to me today, 8 days after being locked out of my account, to concede that ‘We’ve…
Read MoreChris Williamson’s Suspension – Please Share Widely
Chris Williamson’s Suspension – Please Share Widely Why is Chris Williamson Suspended When Peter Mandelson is Still at Liberty? It is difficult to understand the logic, because there is no logic, behind the suspension of Chris Williamson. It is difficult to avoid the fact that he was suspended for calling out the fake ‘antisemitism’ witchhunt…
Read MoreRejoice, Rejoice, The Witch is Gone!! – Louise Ellman, Racist MP for Liverpool Riverside Finally Gets the Hint
Rejoice, Rejoice, The Witch is Gone!! – Louise Ellman, Racist MP for Liverpool Riverside Finally Gets the Hint Parachuted in by Blair, Louise Ellman, a dedicated supporter of Israeli child abuse finally gets the message that she isn’t wanted Speaking to the Jewish Chronicle after finally resigning from the Labour Party, Louise Ellman said it…
Read MoreMy Response to the BBC’s ‘Investigation’ into Panorama’s ‘Is Labour Anti-Semitic?’ – Aunty doesn’t even bother to hide her bias
My Response to the BBC’s ‘Investigation’ into Panorama’s ‘Is Labour Anti-Semitic?’ – Aunty doesn’t even bother to hide her bias Ofcom said that it had ‘serious concerns around the transparency of the BBC’s complaints service’. – the reality is that it’s embedded in racism On 10th July Panorama broadcast a programme, ‘Is Labour anti-Semitic’. Although the BBC would not say, it is…
Read MoreFranco’s Judicial Heirs Mete Out Savage Prison Sentences to Catalonia’s Political Leaders
Franco’s Judicial Heirs Mete Out Savage Prison Sentences to Catalonia’s Political Leaders Spain’s ‘socialist’ leaders, Europe’s bourgeois leaders applaud Franco’s Posthumous ‘Justice’ whilst the SNP stays silent and embarrassed Complaint Summary I was on holiday in French Catalonia a month ago and visited Spanish Catalonia, including Girona, the heart of the struggle for Catalonian independence.…
Read MoreThe Bloody Betrayal of the Kurds by Trump and the United States is Nothing New
The Bloody Betrayal of the Kurds by Trump and the United States is Nothing New Background to the Kurdish Struggle and the American Betrayal in 1963 The betrayal of the Kurds of Syria by Donald Trump and the United States is only the latest such betrayal. After having provided the foot soldiers in the fight…
Read MoreInstead of Supporting Chris Williamson John McDonnell Backs the Reinstatement of War Criminal Alistair Campbell
Instead of Supporting Chris Williamson John McDonnell Backs the Reinstatement of War Criminal Alistair Campbell It is time for the Labour Representation Committee to ditch McDonnell – he is fast becoming Labour’s new Ramsay MacDonald Despite the misreporting by the BBC and Guardian Chris Williamson won a clear victory at the High Court this week.…
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