If there is one thing Israel’s supporters hates it is the Truth about Zionism and Israel – even if it means defaming the child of 2 concentration camps inmates as a holocaust denier
Following Last Week’s Campaign for Freedom of Speech Meeting The Zionist Attacks on Norman Finkelstein have been joined by David Rosenberg of the Jewish Socialists Group It must be immensely frustrating to the Zionists that they couldn’t ban last week’s hugely successful Campaign for Free Speech in the Labour Party Zoom meeting which 400 people attended and…
Read MoreStarmer Promised to Tear Anti-Semitism Out of the Labour Party ‘By Its Roots’
Little Did We Know That He Would Achieve This By Driving Out Mark Elf, a Jewish ambulance driver and other Anti-Zionist and Anti-racist Jews Today we are seeing the Labour Party being purged of Jewish anti-Zionists, Black and Muslim members in order to satisfy racists like Margaret Hodge. Hodge is the Parliamentary Chair of the Jewish Labour…
Read MoreCampaign for Free Speech holds Packed Zoom Meeting – ‘Say No to Labour McCarthyism
Campaign for Free Speech holds Packed Zoom Meeting – ‘Say No to Labour McCarthyism 400 people listen to Norman Finkelstein, Tariq Ali, David Miller, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Tony Greenstein and Chris Williamson For the past 5 years the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council and other Zionist groups have intimidated venues and the…
Read MorePeter Beinart’s Bombshell Decision to Abandon Support for a Jewish State in favour of a Single Democratic Binational State Shows that Zionism has lost the Political and Moral Argument
Peter Beinart’s Bombshell Decision to Abandon Support for a Jewish State in favour of a Single Democratic Binational State Shows that Zionism has lost the Political and Moral Argument The Recognition by Liberal Zionism’s Apostle that Democracy and a Jewish State are Incompatible is a Breakthrough that cries of ‘anti-Semitism’ won’t silence Peter Beinart is a…
Read MoreDefending Free Speech on Palestine and Israel with Norman Finkelstein and Tariq Ali – Meeting Tuesday July 28th 7.00 p.m.
Defending Free Speech on Palestine and Israel with Norman Finkelstein and Tariq Ali – Meeting Tuesday July 28th 7.00 p.m. Why I Have Submitted a Complaint Against Keir Starmer to the Labour Party for his anti-Semitism and racist attacks on the Palestinians Today we are witnessing a wholesale attack on Free Speech in the Labour…
Read MoreBrighton and Hove’s Labour Administration is Brought Down by the Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign as 3 Councillors Resign or are Suspended
Brighton and Hove’s Labour Administration is Brought Down by the Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign as 3 Councillors Resign or are Suspended Starmer and Labour’s Racist Right hand control of a Labour Council to the Green Party In barely a week Brighton and Hove Council has changed hands. Labour, which previously ran the Council as the largest party,…
Read MoreBrighton & Hove Councillor Anne Pissaridou Suspended for ‘Anti-Semitism’ as Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP is sacked by Starmer
Brighton & Hove Councillor Anne Pissaridou Suspended for ‘Anti-Semitism’ as Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP is sacked by Starmer When will they learn? Starmer is waging a War on the Left – Anti-Semitism is his Pretext – STOP apologising for criticising Israeli Apartheid Three days ago, Brighton & Hove Labour Councillor Anne Pissaridou was suspended for ‘anti-Semitism’.…
Read MoreBlack Lives Matter Demonstration in Brighton Meets Palestine Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter Demonstration in Brighton Meets Palestine Lives Matter Another Monster Demonstration Against Racism and Police Violence This was the second demonstration in Brighton for Black Lives Matter. On June 13th there was the biggest demonstration I have attended in Brighton in over 40 years living here, over 20,000.This wasn’t as big. I estimate between 8,000…
Read MoreHow Zionist colonisation subverted even the best intentioned of people in the cause of a Jewish exclusivist project
How Zionist colonisation subverted even the best intentioned of people in the cause of a Jewish exclusivist project Review: Wrestling with Zionism– Jewish Voices of Dissent, Daphna Levit, Olive Branch Press, Interlink Publishing Company, 2020 Daphna Levit grew up as a secular Zionist who worshipped just one god, the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael). She was a…
Read More‘Anti-Semitism’ is a Hegemonic Narrative which was never about anti-Semitism and always about Israel – as Jonathan Freedland has now admitted
‘Anti-Semitism’ is a Hegemonic Narrative which was never about anti-Semitism and always about Israel – as Jonathan Freedland has now admitted The sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey proves that Starmer’s concern is not opposing anti-Semitism but defending Israeli racism The Guardian’s Begging Hypocrisy Underneath its coverage of Black Lives Matter there is a variation on the…
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