With reports that the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra were that upset by the disruption to their concert at the Royal Albert Hall, that they are considering never visiting these shores again, some lame, tame Zionist lawyers, have resorted to calling for the law to be used against us.
Bring it on I say. Unfortunately for them the Royal Albert Hall is in no mood to oblige, fearful of the political consequences. The talk is of ‘aggravated trespass’, but this is a very difficult and fraught prosecution. As in Scotland, where there was a failed attempt, the obvious charge is one of some for of incitement to racial hatred. There is only one problem. Between one-third and one-quarter of all the protestors were Jewish! It’s something an anti-semite like Gilad Atzmon disproves of, hence his charges that this was a Judeocentric protest. But whilst Atzmon sees Jews everywhere, it is unfortunately doubtful that the CPS will see it that way and with the obvious reluctance of the Royal Albert Hall then this unnamed group of Zionist lawyers will continue to gnash their teeth.
Pity really, because when I participated first in the Jerusalem Quartet protest and then the one against the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, I and others did it in the full expectation that we would be arrested. Such are the disappointments of life.
Tony Greenstein
A new pro-Israel lawyers group has written to the Metropolitan Police calling for the prosecution of protesters who disrupted a concert by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in London last September.
Jonathan Turner, chairman of UK Lawyers for Israel, set up last year, urged the Met’s Commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe, to ask the Crown Prosecution Service to act before the March 1 deadline on mounting a prosecution.
Mr Turner argued that charges of aggravated trespass could be brought against some of the demonstrators over the incident during a Proms concert at the Royal Albert Hall.
He wrote: “The disrupters loudly sang, chanted and shouted, effectively ruining the performance for those present and causing the BBC to take the live transmission off the air.
“Eye-witness accounts and video footage confirm that the repeated interruptions resulted in a threatening atmosphere which could easily have led to a serious breakdown of public order.”
While a number of witnesses had contacted the police at the time, Mr Turner wrote: “It appears that a decision was then taken not to prosecute, apparently because the Royal Albert Hall management did not specifically ask the police to act.
“We find this difficult to understand. The fact that the Royal Albert Hall has not asked the police to intervene does not mean that no crime has occurred.”