Tony Greenstein | 21 April 2008 | Post Views:

It is gratifying to announce that the anti-Semitic sewer, going by the name of ‘PeacePalestine’ has now died a death. After I had it taken down for a day or so, because of its libellous comment, Google decided in any case it was a ‘spam’ blog. Who are we to disagree?!!!

Naturally the last article on it was dedicated to the lying assertion that ‘Anti-Zionist = Zionist (if you are Tony Greenstein!)’. In fact it is only anti-Semites who believe that all Jews are Zionists and therefore even anti-Zionists Jews are still Zionists.

Ironically the last article, picking up in her usual dishonest way, on a discussion on the Alef (Academic Left list hosted by Haifa University) where I stated that the creation of a Palestinian nation was ironically the outcome of Zionist colonisation, was proof that I was a Zionist!

According to Rizzo: ‘The Palestinians were a people since the time they inhabited that land’. But the mere fact that people occupy a land doesn’t make them a people or nation. Until recent times the Palestinians were no more a people, nor did they see themselves as such, than the ancient Hebrew, Jebusite, Canaanite and many other tribes and clans. It was Zionism which welded the indigenous population of Mandatory Palestine into a nation.

On this basis Rizzo tricked one Ismail Zayid, who has subsequently accepted that I was misinterpreted, into arguing in an article below Rizzo’s that ‘The Arab population of Palestine was native in all the senses of the word and their roots in Palestine can be traced back at least forty centuries.” Of course I never argued that this was not the case. Not only can the Arab population of Palestine be traced back centuries, but it is highly likely that it is today’s Palestinians who are the descendants of the Jews who converted to Christianity, whereas the Israeli Jews of today are no more than European settlers who have no more connection with ancient Palestine than the Norsemen.

It is therefore highly ironic that Rizzo’s new blog, on Word Press, carries an article suggesting that…. the Palestinians aren’t a nation!!! By Adib S. Kawar it is entitled ‘Palestine is not a nation, Palestinians are part of the Arab Nation’. So who are the Zionists now?!!!

Tony Greenstein
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Tony Greenstein

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