Posts Tagged ‘Zara Sultana’
Lloyd Russell-Moyle is a Synonym for Lies, Deception, Treachery and Back Stabbing
The MP for Brighton Kemptown, Who Supported Palestine When It Suited Him, Abstained on the Anti-Boycott Bill – As Did Dianne Abbot and Richard Burgon Corbyn, McDonnell and Crispin Blunt Speeches Opposing the Tory’s Anti-Boycott Bill I have amended this article to take out my criticism of Zara Sultana, who had a legitimate reason for…
Read MoreKim Johnson MP called Israel an Apartheid Fascist State – When Threatened With Losing the Whip She Immediately Recanted
Johnson’s Cowardice When Confronted With Starmer’s McCarthyism Speaks Volumes About the Socialist Campaign Group and the Labour Left It was nothing if not predicable. A member of the Socialist Campaign Group collapsed like a pack of cards when threatened by Starmer’s bullies. Instead of standing her ground and defying Starmer to do his worst, instead…
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