BBC Panorama Could Have Shown How Israel’s Main Purpose in Gaza is Ethnic Cleansing Instead It Decided to ‘Expose’ British Muslims Support for Hamas!

Instead of a Documentary on the Bombing of Every Hospital &University in Gaza the BBC Employed Islamaphobe John Ware as its Witchfinder General You might think that at a time of genocide in Gaza Panorama might devote a programme to exposing Israeli lies about October 7 or how ethnic cleansing, not defeating Hamas, is the…

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Open Letter to John Alcock, Leader of Brighton & Hove Labour Group – The Stench of Hypocrisy Over Labour Islamaphobia is Overpowering

Brighton’s ‘Left’ Labour Councillors Endorse the Purge of Socialists by accepting False Anti-Semitism Allegations against 3 former Councillors In May 2019 Labour became the largest party on Brighton & Hove Council. It gained 20 seats to the Green’s 19 and ran the Council. The response of the right was to make false allegations of anti-Semitism resulting…

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