Posts Tagged ‘Marine Le Pen’
Victory in Glasgow as Racist COFIS Kept Off Anti-Racist March
The Shame of the SWP/SUTR as they accept the Zionists’ ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative A replica of the Apartheid Wall was used to keep the racist COFIS away from an anti-racist march Despite attempted obstruction from the march stewards Mick Napier of Scottish PSC captures what happened Yesterday in Glasgow, despite the best attempts of the SWP/Stand…
Read MoreAs the Guardian’s ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign against Corbyn continues its time to BOYCOTT the Guardian
Howard Jacobson’s blindness to Zionist racism in the cause of fake anti-Semitism Howard Jacobson – blind to the Palestinians Zionist lobby group boasts of its success in neutering Guardian coverage of Zionism & Palestine There was a time when the Guardian had the best Middle East correspondent of any paper, David Hirst, who wrote an excellent…
Read MoreThe neo-Nazi group Britain First Supports Israel and Opposes ‘anti-Semitism’
Member of the Israel supporting Britain First Touching isn’t it? They may not like Muslims, their members may murder ‘race traitors’ like Jo Cox MP, but when it comes to Israel they just love it!! In this Britain First join the English Defence League and the British National Party. Isn’t it strange how holocaust denying…
Read MoreCOUNTERPUNCH – Time for Socialists & anti-imperialists to Boycott It
Cockburn’s Coven – Where Fascists and White Supremacists Seek to Entice the Left Mark Elf has just let me know of an excellent article by Elise Hendrick entitled Counterpunch or Suckerpunch Claude Cockburn – son of a distinguished Communist journalist – who excused racism and fascism Naomi Klein – a left and anti-Zionist star who…
Read MoreFascist Leader Attacks Boycott of Israel
What a surprise. First the Hitler loving leader of Christians United 4 Israel, John Hagee, hates BDS and then the leader of the French fascist party, Marine Le Pen adds her weight to the call. Fascist Le Pen Opposes BDS Marine Le Pen has had a little local difficulty in recent months. She has been…
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