Posts Tagged ‘Margaret Hodge’
The Sad and Steady Decline of the World’s Oldest Jewish Newspaper
In his efforts to destroy Jeremy Corbyn Stephen Pollard has Destroyed the Reputation & Circulation of the Jewish Chronicle Even by the feral standards of Britain’s tabloid press, the Jewish Chronicle is in a class of its own. Under former Daily Express editor, Stephen Pollard, the favoured son of Britain’s largest pornography publisher and EDL/UKIP…
Read MoreJewish Chronicle survey finds that 85% of British Jews are stupid and gullible
Poll finds that 56% of Israelis Believe They are the Chosen People (Herren Volk) rising to 79% amongst Right-wingers Last week’s Jewish Chronicle front page More than 85 per cent of British Jews think Jeremy Corbyn is antisemitic was based on an opinion poll by Survation which the JC commissioned. The aim and purpose of…
Read MoreAs Israel Prepares to Demolish the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar Labour’s racist MPs vote to support the IHRA
Labour’s Shameful Betrayal of the Palestinians was led by Jon Lansman and John McDonnell the time has come to fight back As Labour MPs voted to adopt, by 205-8 with 12 abstentions, the full IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism,’ without even a nod to such concepts as free speech, Israel’s colonial High Court gave the go…
Read MoreBy Supporting the IHRA Labour’s NEC has chosen to support Racist Zionists over Anti-racist Jews and Palestinians
If there is one lesson Corbyn must learn it is that you cannot appease Zionists or Racists Why the IHRA removes Palestinian from history – again UPDATE I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this report in today’s Times but if it is true then the behaviour of the majority of the NEC yesterday was…
Read MoreThe Zionists admit that the IHRA is about defending Israel NOT Jews
The Labour Party is in danger of adopting a definition of anti-Semitism that is anti-Semitic and which has no legal, academic or logical rationale Today we have had another blast from the media on the theme of Labour ‘antisemitism’ and a contribution at the Jewish Labour Movement [JLM] Conference from Gordon Brown calling on Labour…
Read MoreIf Anyone Resembles Enoch Powell it’s Rabbi Sacks NOT Jeremy Corbyn
In 2017 Rabbi Sacks marched with thousands of settler racists through Arab East Jerusalem chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’ The Daily Mail in its pro-Hitler days warns against Jewish refugees entering ‘through the back door’ In an interview with the New Statesman, the house journal of the Labour Right and the anti-Corbyn campaign, former Chief…
Read MoreHow Long are Momentum Members Going To Accept a Jewish Supremacist and Zionist as Leader?
Jon Lansman Joins the Lynch Mob in his Attack on Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and Pete Willsman A selection of the choicest tweets that were inspired by the Jewish Labour Movement/Jon Lansman’s campaign against Jackie Walker In May 2016 Jackie Walker, Vice-Chair of Momentum was suspended from the Labour Party for ‘anti-semitism’. In a private…
Read MoreSupport the JC8 for Labour’s NEC – Why I Cannot Support Jon Lansman
A Vote for Jon Lansman is a Vote for the Right The time has come to remove this man to prevent him doing more damage to Corbyn and the Left Although I do not have a vote in Labour’s NEC elections, as a well known blogger I have been asked numerous times who I…
Read MoreAppeasing Your Enemies and Repeatedly Apologising is not a Strategy for Survival
If Corbyn is to survive he needs to FIGHT BACK – and get a BACKBONE There was NO REASON to apologise for chairing a meeting at which Auschwitz survivor, Hajo Meyer Compared Israel to Nazi Germany Corbyn’s speech 8 years ago condemning the siege and Israel’s attack on Gaza is now being used to attack…
Read MoreTurning a Pumpkin into a Cinderella – How Margaret Hodge Became a Hero of the Yellow Press
From Margaret Hodge’s foul hypocrisy into a paragon of virtue The make over of Margaret Hodge has been a wonder to behold. This was the woman who was excoriated by Matthew Norman in The Independent and by most other decent people for her role in the Islington Child Abuse Scandal, when she not only deliberately…
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