Jeremy Corbyn & the Retreat from Palestine

Jewish Chronicle report of Corbyn Backing Down Over Israel/Palestine Appeasing Zionism and Ignoring the Palestinians I have know Jeremy Corbyn for over 30 years.  When I was the Chairperson of the Labour Committee on Palestine and Labour Movement Campaign for Palestine Jeremy Corbyn was a regular speaker at our fringe meetings at Labour Party conference. …

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Alison Saunders Protects Janner from Accusations of Child Abuse

Greville ‘Grovel’ Janner – Protected by his LFI, CST & Zionist Colleagues Tony Greenstein I have no way of knowing whether ‘Grovel’ Janner is guilty of the accusations of child abuse, including child rape.  What I do know is that these are extremely serious allegations and merit imprisonment for life if the person is found…

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