Annual Pogrom in Jerusalem as Thousands of Settlers march chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’, ‘May Your Villages Burn’ and ‘A Jew is a Soul, an Arab is a Whore’

YouTube Collude with Zionism’s Genocidal Racism By Deleting Videos of Their Crimes Under Hate Speech Policies Pogrom against Palestinians by Jewish Settlers Jerusalem Day Last Thursday 18 May the annual ritual of thousands of settlers being herded and protected by the Israeli Police through Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem took place. They chanted a variety…

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There is only one solution to the Ascendancy of Ben Gvir and Smotrich – an end to a Jewish Supremacist State

Jonathan Freedland’s Inability to Understand Israel’s Present Crisis is Symptomatic of Liberal Zionism’s Refusal to Accept that a Jewish Democratic State is an Oxymoron Whatever the situation and whatever the crisis, Jonathan Freedland can be relied on not to understand it. So it is with his latest essay on [Netanyahu is leading a coup against his own country. But…

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Helen Aksentijevic interviews veteran anti-Zionist Moshe Machover, one of the founders of Matzpen, the Socialist Organisation in Israel

 Machover looks back on life since his childhood under the Palestine Mandate and describes both his own family and political background There are not many people who can justly be described as legends in their own lifetime but Moshe Machover is one such person. An indefatigable optimist he was the ‘one who got away’. Targeted…

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Riddled by Racism: The Board of Deputies is Overrun by Islamaphobes and Racists yet it has the nerve to accuse people of ‘anti-Semitism’

Riddled by Racism: The Board of Deputies is Overrun by Islamaphobes and Racists yet it has the nerve to accuse people of ‘anti-Semitism’  Beyond Satire – The Union of Jewish Students and Jewish Labour Movement Complain that the Head of a group committed to ethnic cleansing is a Racist! In October 2010 49 of us…

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Brighton and Hove’s Labour Administration is Brought Down by the Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign as 3 Councillors Resign or are Suspended

Brighton and Hove’s Labour Administration is Brought Down by the Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign as 3 Councillors Resign or are Suspended Starmer and Labour’s Racist Right hand control of a Labour Council to the Green Party In barely a week Brighton and Hove Council has changed hands.  Labour, which previously ran the Council as the largest party,…

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African Refugees Get No Reprieve from Israel’s Racist Rage

Another brilliant article from the indefatigable Israeli-Canadian campaigner, David Sheen whose videos on Youtube are brilliant. See e.g. War on Africans  Nothing better demonstrates the vicious racism of the Israeli state and what Zionism has led to than its treatment of the African refugees from Eritrea and Sudan.  Their crime is two fold – they are not…

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If Momentum expels me today they will be joining the false anti-Semitism campaign whose target is Corbyn

Momentum can either endorse McNicol’s racist witchhunt or declare zero tolerance of the false anti-Semitism campaign Two weeks ago the two Jonathans – Arkush and Goldstein – of the Board of Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council, wrote an insulting and openly contemptuous letter to Jeremy Corbyn.  It was written in the wake of the latest…

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The Fight Against the Expulsion of African Refugees Is a Pivotal Moment in Israel’s History

“Israel is one of the most racist countries in the world.” Tahunia Rubel Why does Jeremy Newmark’s Jewish Labour Movement refuse to criticise the Israeli Labour Party for its support for the deportation of Israel’s asylum seekers? How does NEC ‘Left’ Rhea Wolfson Defend Her Silence over the the JLM’s refusal to criticise the Israeli Labor Party?…

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