80,000 Israeli Jews Demonstrated to Defend A Racist Supreme Court and ‘Jewish’ Democracy

 Israel’s Supreme Court is and always has been a Court of Ethnic Cleansing, Colonialism and Zionism 80,000 people, almost all of them Jewish, demonstrated last weekend against the judicial reforms of the new Coalition Government which would allow the Knesset to override any Supreme Court judgment by a one vote majority and which would enable the government…

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Israel’s War on Interracial Relationships and Miscegenation

Israeli Labour’s Former Leader Isaac Herzog Calls Mixed Marriages ‘A Plague’ When confronted with the charge that the IHRA definition prevents criticism of Israeli Apartheid, its defenders point to the preamble which states: ‘criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.’ The problem though is that Israel…

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If Israel is ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’ why does the Knesset Refuse to Even Discuss a Bill Calling for Israel to be a State of all its Citizens?

As long as Israel is a Jewish state it can’t be a democratic state JAMAL ZAHALKA and Haneen Zoabi. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST) When the three members of Balad in the Knesset proposed a Bill calling for Israel to be a state of all its citizens rather than a Jewish state, all…

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When Judas Iscariot abandoned Jesus it was for 30 pieces of silver and a kiss – Momentum’s Jon Lansman appears to have betrayed his comrades for no reward

Jon Lansman is a Jewish Chauvinist & Apologist for Apartheid who betrayed Jackie Walker & Marc Wadsworth   It was most out of character for Jon Lansman, Momentum’s Dictator, to pay me a compliment. In the Jewish Chronicle last week he was quoted as describing me as ‘“probably the rudest person I know in politics. He…

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