Posts Tagged ‘Ha’avara’
Abram Leon, 26, leader of Hashomer Hatzair and then the Fourth International in Belgium, was Murdered in Auschwitz
Leon Explained in The Jewish Question – A Marxist Interpretation Why Anti-Semitism Arose and Where it Came From As readers of my book will know, during the Second World War the Zionist movement was a Quisling movement that collaborated with the Nazis and went out of its way to obstruct rescue of Jewish refugees whose destination wasn’t…
Read MoreWhy Ken Livingstone was right when he said that the Nazis supported the German Zionists against their Jewish opponents
At the Book Launch for Zionism During the Holocaust I described how the Zionist Leaders Obstructed the Rescue of Jews from Hitler where Palestine wasn’t the destination Below is an extended essay based on my talk. Zionism During the Holocaust is the first comprehensive book on Zionist relations with the Nazis innearly 40 years. This is surprising at…
Read MoreMy Book ‘Zionism During the Holocaust’ is Being Released This Week
Jewish Network for Palestine is hosting the Book Launch Sunday 13 November 5 pm Please share with your networks and register here: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. It has been a long time coming but my book Zionism During the Holocaust – The Weaponisation of Memory in the…
Read MoreLetter to a Lansmanite – Mike Phipps – Telling the Truth About Zionist Relations with the Nazis is not anti-Semitic – Especially Given How They Have Weaponised the Holocaust
Letter to a Lansmanite – Mike Phipps – Telling the Truth About Zionist Relations with the Nazis is not anti-Semitic – Especially Given How They Have Weaponised the Holocaust There is only one question? Is it true that the Zionist movement betrayed the Jews who died in the Holocaust or is it untrue? Mike Phipps…
Read MoreWhy the Israeli State is Hitler’s Bastard Offspring
Why the Israeli State is Hitler’s Bastard Offspring Shock-Horror at the Jewish Chronicle as I Tell the Truth about the Israeli State It must have been a shock to the Zionist spy in Palestine Expo 2019 this summer when I stated, in a workshop, that Israel was Hitler’s bastard offspring. Even worse I was applauded…
Read MoreHow Leftist Intellectuals Take Fright when Zionism Wages a War on ‘anti-Semitism’
Richard Seymour and Labour’s Antisemitism Affair –straddling both sides of the fence Jacobin is not a site that most people on the left in Britain will be familiar with. It is however a major left-wing journal in the United States. I once contributed Rewriting the Holocaust for Jacobin, in the wake of Netanyahu’s speech to the…
Read MoreWhy we should not hesitate to compare Zionism and the Israeli state with the Nazis
Challenging the Zionist & its Abuse of the Holocaust ‘Write and Record’ were the last words of Jewish historian Simon Dubnow as he was murdered by the Nazis in the Riga ghetto on December 8th 1941. It is an injunction we should take to heart and add a third imperative – we should Write, Record…
Read MoreOn Both Sides of the Witch-hunt – The Alliance for Workers Liberty’s Political Schizophrenia
It is not anti-Semitic to quote the mutual praise of Nazis and Zionists – just truthful A member of the Hitler youth expressing his joy at the attacks on Jews and in Israel a small girl writing a message on a missile destined for the people of Gaza If there is one thing that the…
Read MoreKen Livingstone’s Fainthearted Friends at the Morning Star, Socialist Worker & the Jewish Socialists Group
Lansman & Owen Jones Attacks on Livingstone Only Helps Tom Watson The Right has begun to smell blood. Corbyn was himself originally accused of anti-Semitism by consorting with holocaust deniers such as Paul Eisen. He has been under attack by the Zionist lobby since day one. See for example Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘long-standing links’ with notorious…
Read MoreGuardian Prints Letter from 572 members/supporters of the Labour Party Defending Ken Livingstone
White Supremacists Claim That They Are White Zionists! Last Friday the racist Zionist Labour Movement had a letter published in The Guardian, which has run with the ‘anti-semitism’ witch-hunt, signed by 1300 assorted racist and right-wingers in the Labour Party calling for Ken Livingstone to be expelled. Tomorrow a letter from 572 of us (at…
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