Can’t Pay, Won’t Bloody Pay! – Heating & Eating are a Right Not a Privilege

 Noone Should be Forced to Choose Between Warmth and Food and No one Should Die Because They Can’t Afford It Registration Link The Socialist Labour Network is launching a national Can’t Pay Won’t Pay campaign with a public meeting this Friday at 6.30 p.m. Speakers include Tommy Sheridan, the former Scottish Socialist MSP, Paula Peters of Disabled People Against the…

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SHAFTED how disabled people found themselves on the front line

SHAFTED how disabled people found themselves on the front line  How Disabled People Were Singled Out as part of the Austerity Offensive SOCIALIST DISABILITY GROUP MEETING Register here: The Socialist Disability Group (SDG) is holding an online meeting on Friday 25 March called “SHAFTED  — how disabled people found themselves on the front line.” Disabled…

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