Posts Tagged ‘David Evans’
Starmer Forces Holocaust Survivor Stephen Kapos Out of the Labour Party as Part of the Fight Against ‘Anti-Semitism’
The London Labour Bureaucrat Who Threatened Stephen With Expulsion Didn’t Even Have the Courage to Give His Name On Friday January 27 the Socialist Labour Network organised a meeting for Holocaust Memorial Day under the title Reclaiming the Memory of All Those Who Died In The Nazi Holocaust. Unlike the official HMD commemorations, we remembered not just the…
Read MoreTen Year’s Hard Labour is the most important account yet of the defeat of the Corbyn Project
Chris Williamson describes how the Labour Right, with the complicity of Momentum, allowed the fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ narrative to destroy the Left Ten Year’s Hard Labour – Chris Williamson, Lola Books, 2022, pp. 394 There is a tendency amongst many on the left to engage in an uncritical adulation of Jeremy Corbyn now that we see how awful…
Read MoreAn Occasional Letter to an Old Friend, Sir Keith Stürmer QC
An Occasional Letter to an Old Friend, Sir Keith Stürmer QC Congratulations. Even Boris Couldn’t Match Your Chutzpah I have known Sir Keith Stürmer ever since I was at law school. So you can imagine how I felt when he was the first MP to welcome my expulsion 4 years ago with a one word tweet ‘good’. Keith was never…
Read MoreJoin the Fightback this Friday at the Founding Meeting of the Socialist Labour Network (LAW/LIEN)
Join the Fightback this Friday at the Founding Meeting of the Socialist Labour Network (LAW/LIEN) Help Us Build a Socialist Movement by Organising Grassroots CLPs To attend the meeting please first join either: (£10 waged/£5 unwaged) At the end of November All Members Meetings of Labour-in-Exile-Network and Labour Against the Witchhuntt voted to merge into a…
Read MoreHow the Jewish Chronicle and the Zionist Press Turned My Acquittal Into a Conviction
How the Jewish Chronicle and the Zionist Press Turned My Acquittal Into a Conviction I was found NOT GUILTY of harassing Megan McCann, Patrick Smith and Labour’s Vile Disputes Team but Guilty By the Yellow Press In October 2020 I was asked to attend an interview by Brighton Police. The interview was voluntary but, having…
Read MoreA New Labour Lexicon – A guide to the Perplexed Labour Party member
A New Labour Lexicon – A guide to the Perplexed Labour Party member Politics and the English Language – How Herr Stürmer Changed the Meaning of Ordinary Words We are all familiar with the abuse of language. When the Mafia ask you to pay them ‘protection money’ they are not offering you an insurance policy,…
Read MoreLabour Campaign for Free Speech Conference – Saturday February 13th 2 p.m. – It’s time to stand up and be counted
Labour Campaign for Free Speech Conference – Saturday February 13th 2 p.m. – It’s time to stand up and be counted As the Board of Deputies and Tory Students at Oxford University Try to Stop Ken Loach Speaking the Time to Defend Free Speech is Now I cannot remember a time when free speech has…
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