By Standing as an Independent Jeremy Corbyn Can Help Destroy the Warmongers and Neo-Liberals behind Liar Starmer

Labour is Dead as a Party Representing The Working Class and Oppressed I had a personal and political reason for knowing that Starmer was lying when he stood as a Corbyn continuity candidate for the Labour leadership. That he should have jettisoned his 10 Pledges so quickly was no surprise whatsoever. That he should have called himself a Zionist…

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SLN Public Meeting this Friday 6.30 pm on a risis of Energy Costs, Inflation, Hunger and Homelessness

The Refusal of the Trade Union Leaders to Meet the Challenge of the Conservative’s Class War is Why These Traitors Need to be Replaced Registration Link ‘Crisis What Crisis’ is the phrase that Labour Prime Minister James Callaghan was reputed to have uttered as he returned from a visit abroad to the Winter of Discontent…

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