Historically Anti-Semitism Has Always Been the Preserve of the Labour Right, not the Left

Labour’s Confected ‘Anti-Semitism’ Crisis Allowed Anti-Semites To Become Anti-racists & Anti-racists to become ‘anti-Semites’ One of the ironies of Labour’s manufactured ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis was how those who had never thought about racism before suddenly became anti-racists. ‘Anti-Semitism’ can sometimes work miracles. No one was more concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ than Gordon Brown. He called for the expulsion of all ‘anti-Semites’.…

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Book Review: Asa Winstanley’s Weaponising Anti-Semitism – How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn

How the Labour Right, the BBC, the Israel lobby & the Establishment Destabilised a Political Party How they brought down Jeremy Corbyn It speaks volumes that Asa Winstanley could not find a British publisher, not even Pluto Press or Verso Books, willing to publish the definitive account of how ‘anti-Semitism’ was weaponised to remove the only socialist leader the…

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There is only one solution to the Ascendancy of Ben Gvir and Smotrich – an end to a Jewish Supremacist State

Jonathan Freedland’s Inability to Understand Israel’s Present Crisis is Symptomatic of Liberal Zionism’s Refusal to Accept that a Jewish Democratic State is an Oxymoron Whatever the situation and whatever the crisis, Jonathan Freedland can be relied on not to understand it. So it is with his latest essay on [Netanyahu is leading a coup against his own country. But…

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Is Rachel Reeves the Most Despicable Politician in Britain Today?

Reeves Combines Zionism, Racism, Admiration for a Hitler Loving Anti-Semite & Hostility to the Disabled & Claimants – a Bigot for All Seasons https://www.youtube.com/embed/BZ6EGz_7rB8 Sturmer pays tribute to Jeremy Corbyn Trying to find the most despicable politician in Britain today is no easy matter. The competition is strong. The Tories have no end of good…

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In the Face of Fierce Competition ‘Lord’ John Mann Has Won the Award for Most Dishonest Politician of the Year – Again

 Mann combines Opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ with Virulent Racism against Gypsies, Black and Muslim People Loudmouth Mann confronts Ken Livingstone I have covered John Mann before when he lied about and harassed a 90 year old Jewish Dr Glatt. In July 2019 John Mann was appointed by Theresa May as her advisor on ‘anti-Semitism’. In September Mann was made ‘anti-Semitism…

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