EXCLUSIVE: We name the lecturer responsible for the allegations that led to the suspension of Shahd Abusalama

EXCLUSIVE: We name the lecturer responsible for the allegations that led to the suspension of Shahd Abusalama TOTAL Victory for Shahd – Now let’s Scrap the IHRA Whose Only Purpose is to Chill Free Speech on Palestine Register for the meeting here https://tinyurl.com/9v9cv5uh UPDATE: I want to make it clear that although the allegations against Shahd…

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When Holocaust survivor Professor Ze’ev Sternhell compares Israel to Nazi Germany It’s Time to Wake Up

It’s not anti-Semitic to compare Israel to Nazi Germany – it’s what all anti-fascists should do If there is one thing that the Zionist movement and Israel’s supporters hate it is comparisons between the ‘Jewish’ State of Israel and Nazi Germany.  ‘Anti-Semitism’ they cry like crows. It is the only Zionist response to criticism.  The…

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