Posts Tagged ‘Bezalel Smotrich’
EXCLUSIVE: We name the lecturer responsible for the allegations that led to the suspension of Shahd Abusalama
EXCLUSIVE: We name the lecturer responsible for the allegations that led to the suspension of Shahd Abusalama TOTAL Victory for Shahd – Now let’s Scrap the IHRA Whose Only Purpose is to Chill Free Speech on Palestine Register for the meeting here UPDATE: I want to make it clear that although the allegations against Shahd…
Read MoreComparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany are NOT anti-Semitic – Israelis do it all the time!
What is the difference between Israelis who chant ‘Death to the Arabs’ and Nazis who shouted ‘Death to the Jews?’ The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism states that ‘Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis’ could be anti-Semitic. But the strange thing is that anti-racist Israelis are the first to draw such…
Read MoreWhat Kind of Democracy Sentences a Poet to 5 months in Gaol for having written a poem?
When it comes to Facebook ‘incitement,’ only Palestinians are arrested, never Israeli Jews Calling for ‘Death to the Arabs’ is not a crime it is Zionist morality – but calls for ‘resistance’ are ‘incitement’ I have posted a number of articles about the case of Dareen Tatour [What kind of state gaols its poets? The…
Read MoreIn Israeli hospitals, Jewish and Arab women are segregated into separate maternity wards
‘This is about a superior race, racial purity… This is a Nazi way of thinking.’ Nothing is more guaranteed to raise the ire of Zionists than to tell them that Israel is an Apartheid state. After all, they say, Arabs have the vote. Which is true except that in Israel politics are ethnically not class…
Read MoreWhen Holocaust survivor Professor Ze’ev Sternhell compares Israel to Nazi Germany It’s Time to Wake Up
It’s not anti-Semitic to compare Israel to Nazi Germany – it’s what all anti-fascists should do If there is one thing that the Zionist movement and Israel’s supporters hate it is comparisons between the ‘Jewish’ State of Israel and Nazi Germany. ‘Anti-Semitism’ they cry like crows. It is the only Zionist response to criticism. The…
Read MoreFeminist silence over Ahed Tamimi exposes the racist consensus at the heart of western feminism
Please contribute to our libel fund! Let’s End Zionist Political Terrorism & the libel that support for Palestine and anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism – Support our Crowdfunding Appeal Show trial and gaol looms for 16 year old Palestinian girl for defending herself UPDATE In the 10+ years that this blog has existed I’ve posted over 2,200…
Read MoreBecause he is Jewish, Israel’s Nazi –like Deputy Speaker, Bezalel Smotrich, will not be removed from the Knesset
MK Bezalel Smotrich at the Knesset, December 2016. Emil Salman Bezalel Smotrich is, even in Zionist or Israeli terms, a bigot, but in Israel being an anti-Arab bigot is no great matter. The fact that he is also a Jewish Nazi is of no relevance. In July last year, the Knesset passed legislation, The Expulsion Law…
Read MoreIsraeli Labour Party Supports Netanyahu’s Attempt to Expel an Arab MK, Basel Ghattas
Basel Ghattas is the latest Arab member of the Knesset to come under attack from the Jewish majority It is one of the boasts of Israel that it is the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’. Arabs can vote goes the narrative, therefore we are a democracy. Of course the idea that a democracy…
Read MoreNeo-Nazi Settler Wedding Guests Celebrate the Murder of Dead Baby Ali Dawabshe by Stabbing His Picture
The Chickens Come Home to Roost for the Zionist State Following the release of a video clip, almost certainly leaked by Israel’s Shin Bet Internal Security Police, showing wedding guests at a far-right settler wedding party celebrating the firebombing and murder of 3 members of the Dawabshe family (the sole survivor 4 year old Ahmed…
Read MoreThe Real Face of Pinkwashing – Look What Happens When a Gay Couple Walk Hand in Hand in Jerusalem
In the Wake of the Murder of Shira Banki Israeli Bigotry Comes to the Fore Israel likes to portray itself as the gay capital of the civilised world. ‘Go to Tehran or Gaza where they hang gays’ Netanyahu tells his anti-Zionist critics. The reality is that most Israelis oppose any form of equal rights for…
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