Supporting Free Speech at the Labour Party Conference – Defying the Zionists and Kyle
Come to Our Free Speech Tent and the Rialto
Free Speech Venue at Labour Party Conference
Six weeks ago the MP for Hove, Peter Kyle and former leader Daniel Yates together with Sussex Friends of Racist Israel did their best to prevent Chris Williamson MP speaking in Brighton on socialist monetary theory. They even sent the President of the Board of Deputies Marie Van der Zyl down to Brighton to protest about ‘anti-Semitism’.
The Zionists also got people to phone and send abusive messages to venues which had agreed to staging Chris Williamson. They did this with the support of the Police, who amplified the message of the abusers. When it came to it though the Sussex Friends of Israel ‘demonstration’ at Brighton Town Hall mustered less than 20 people compared to over 150 at Regency Square.
The Campaign Against Chris Williamson is Supported By that Well-Known Anti-racist paper, the Daily Mail
This is the same Board of Deputies which supported the Israeli state when snipers began picking off unarmed demonstrators at the Gaza fence, including children and medics. The idea of Palestinians returning to Israel was too terrible to contemplate for these apologists for racism and murder.
Fresh from trying to prevent Israeli Arabs voting in Israel’s recent general election, declaring the bussing of Bedouin voters in the Negev by Zazim to be a criminal offence, in an election where 4 out of 5 Palestinians under Israeli rule don’t even have a vote, the Zionists are again trying to clamp down on free speech, this time at the Labour Party conference in Brighton. They are doing this with the complicity of the Labour Party and Brighton Police amongst others.
This is why a group of us, fresh from our success on August 8th when, despite the opposition, we held an open air meeting of over 150 people to listen to Chris Williamson, we are organising for Free Speech on Palestine and Zionism again . This time we are going one better
The Board of Deputies reaction to Israel killing 50 Palestinians in one day was to blame the dead!
We are running a free speech tent/gazebo in Regency Square, which is adjacent to the Conference Centre from 10-2.00 every day of Labour Party Conference. Even better Labour Friends of Israel have announced they won’t be having a stall at Labour Party conference. They have finally got the message that people don’t want apologists for murder and racism sullying the venue.
And even better we are hearing that Labour’s National Executive Committee might remove the post of Deputy Leader, given the treacherous and traitorous role that Tom Watson has played
The Rialto, a Grade II listed building with a bar and conference rooms will host our Free Speech events
We are also hiring the old Rialto on Dyke Road on Saturday and Monday in order to hold socialist and anti-racist meetings.
Chris Williamson will be speaking at the Free Speech Tent tomorrow and again at the Rialto, as will Jackie Walker and others who have been demonised by Labour’s witch-hunters.
Please Join Us in Standing Up for Free Speech
‘Anti-Semitism’ is a terrible thing according to Kyle, Yates and Tom Watson but the mass murder of Palestinians, including children, is an acceptable price to pay for the ‘Jewish’ State. We say all racism is wrong.
Last year Labour Friends of Israel and former NEC member Luke Akehurst openly supported the murder of unarmed Palestinians by Israeli snipers. We will not take lectures on ‘anti-Semitism’ and racism from these creatures.
We will also be auctioning two cartoons by Steve Bell which were banned by the Guardian. To purchase a ticket go to this link.
Tony Greenstein