Tony Greenstein | 13 October 2012 | Post Views:

An excellent statement against racism by Palestinians in the diaspora and Palestinian.  It is noticeable that the Zionist movement is unable and unwilling to do the same, because of course their demand for a Jewish state is based on expulsion, ethnic cleansing and the privileging of Jews above non-Jews in Israel/Palestine.

But oppressed nations and groups have always opposed racism on principle, whereas the coloniser has always utilised racism to justify their oppression.

Tony Greenstein

The struggle for Palestinian rights is incompatible with any form of racism or bigotry: a statement by Palestinians



Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Fri, 10/12/2012 – 13:16

We the undersigned, as Palestinians living in historic Palestine and the diaspora, in the spirit of past statements, and in light of recent controversies, write to reaffirm a key principle of our movement for freedom, justice, and equality: The struggle for our inalienable rights is one opposed to all forms of racism and bigotry, including, but not limited to, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Zionism, and other forms of bigotry directed at anyone, and in particular people of color and indigenous peoples everywhere.

We oppose the cynical and baseless use of the term anti-Semitism as a tool for stifling criticism of Israel or opposition to Zionism, as this assumes simply because someone is Jewish, they support Zionism or the colonial and apartheid policies of the state of Israel – a false generalization.

Our struggle is anchored in universal human rights and international law in opposition to military occupation, settler-colonialism, and apartheid, something people of conscience of all ethnicities, races, and religions can support.

Finally, we call on people around the world to join us in a morally consistent stance that opposes racism and bigotry in all forms. An ethical struggle for justice and equal rights in any context entails zero tolerance for racial discrimination and racism anywhere.

Signed (in order of signature):

    Abir Kopty
    Danya Mustafa
    Nadia Hijab
    Shirien Damra
    Omar Barghouti
    Noura Erakat
    Remi Kanazi
    Andrew Kadi
    Dina Omar
    Sandra Tamari
    Maath Musleh
    Suleiman Hodali
    Dana Saifan
    Jess Ghannam
    Sami Kishawi
    Dalia Almarina
    Haidar Eid
    Samee Sulaiman
    Lubna Hammad
    Issa Mikel
    Dina Zbidat
    Esmat Elhalaby
    Linah Alsaafin
    Ramzi Jaber
    Randa May Wahbe
    Hilda Massoud
    Falastine Dwikat
    Jamil Sbitan
    Beesan Ramadan
    Alaa Milbes
    Tanya Keilani
    Adam Akkad
    Budour Hassan
    Ahmad Nimer
    Fajr Harb
    Susan Abulhawa
    Amira Dasouqi
    Lubna Alzaroo
    Samah Sabawi
    Ismail Khalidi
    Annemarie Jacir
    George E. Bisharat
    Sara Jawhari
    Amin Abbas
    Ali Abunimah
    Camillia Shoufani
    Dena Qaddumi
    Ramzi Kanazi
    Alaa Yousef
    Najwa Doughman
    Amal Atieh Jubran
    Mahdi Sabbagh
    Rania Jubran
    Amar Husain
    Omar H. Rahman
    Yazeed Ibrahim
    Zachariah Barghouti
    Nadine Darwish
    Rinad Abdulla
    Sana Ibrahim
    Rana Libdeh
    Huwaida Arraf
    Basil Farraj
    Riham Barghouti
    Jalal Abukhater
    Grace Said
    Wafai Dias
    Huda Asfour
    Musa Al-Hindi
    Halla Shoaibi
    Nada Elia
    Shafeka Hashash
    Linda Sarsour
    Nour Joudah
    Fadi Quran
    Rafeef Ziadah
    Muhammad Jabali
    Haneen Maikey
    Diana Alzeer
    Mouin Rabbani
    Zaid Shuaibi
    Sari Harb
    Suzy Salamy
    Diana Buttu
    Maryam Zohny
    Vivien Sansour
    Noor Fawzy
    Jackie Salloum
    Hatem Bazian
    Awad Hamdan
    Ahmed Moor
    Zahi Damuni
    Irene Nasser
    Sanah Yassin
    Sumia Ibrahim
    Hazem Jamjoum
    Selma Al-Aswad
    Dina Odetalla
    Ghassan B. Zidan
    Suheir Tannous
    Rasha Makhoul
    Nadia Saah
    Hana Awwad
    Salma Abu Ayyash
    Fatin Jarara
    Tamer Nafar
    Raneen Jeries
    Abbas Hamideh
    Tariq Shadid
    Abdelnasser Rashid
    Dina Kennedy

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Tony Greenstein

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